Similar band suggestions?

similar band suggestions??

i have listened to a lot of bands and no one sounds like theocracy, but here go some bands i know:

Evergrey (progressive dark power metal)
Control Denied (technical progressive power metal)
Divinefire (christian power metal, not progressive, but they have really good orchestrations)

P.D. Hi everyone XD
Evergrey seems to be the most atheistic band I've yet to stumble upon. :P
Control Denied is a project by Death's Chuck Schuldiner and a must have for all prog-freaks.

And hi to you too J.D. :)
you're probably right about evergrey, I, personally, don't care about the band's opinion about religion, im a happy christian dude XD
but they play some really good stuff :P

Prog-freak, you can call me that XD
Yeah, that affects us all differently.

If anyone wants some epic power stuff try Angra's vocalist's solo project Almah.
I've already listened to some of the songs in their, they're good, thanks for the suggestion, i know some friends that will be grateful too XD

Amaseffer, a progressive metal band from israel, really epic, check them out
Perfect timing J.D.
I was about to get Slaves For Life and I needed some more info on the band.
I was reading some bible quotes at the time when I first heard of the band, and a foul image got stuck in my head. Since the band is Israeli (Jewish) and I just read that in some Jewish book Mary is presented as a whore, and Jesus was born a bastard. I felt dumbfounded after that and got pissed at all Jews at that moment, meh... Unlucky circumstances for Amaseffer.

It's weird how a simple piece of information could've caused such disrupt amongst my emotions, oh well...
Man, you're hard to deal with XD

if i'm not wrong, the old testament for us christians, and the torah(or whatever it's called) for jewish its the same, considering that the main theme in amaseffer its the exodus, you shouldnt find nothing offensive, but........whatever :P

mmmmmm, do you know Dark Empire?? progressive thrash metal, with some power metal and death metal flourishes
I know they're not against Christians but the sole idea of that being written in their culture, argh, it's just annoying...

Never heard of Dark Empire... Just found their myspace, gonna see what we have here :P
Oh snap, his voice reminds me a lil' of Hansi Kursch, and the music is really sweet!
Speaking of progressive thrash might I recommend Manticora again :D
I'll check them later, anyway, i know some other prog metal bands, but they mix growled vocals with clean vocals, i don't know what you guys think about that kind of style.....
I know only a small number of bands that go by that formula. One would be Seraphim, a Taiwanese band led by a female symphonic vocalist (similar to Nightwish) with added growls by the guitarist. Oh yeah, they're Christian. :P
i've already checked manticora's myspace, damn they're good XD

well, if growled vocals doenst piss you off, i highly recommend becoming the archetype, christian progressive death metal, almost no clean vocals, but good keyboards and excellent solos XD
Yeah, BTA is old news :P , and that isn't the usual growling, it's more like a scream, ...hmm a very, very harsh scream :D
Anything else?
i'm glad you already knowed BTA XD can try Mercenary, they mix gothemburg style with power metal vocals and some progressive elements, the drummer its a monster(i a good sense)

Mercenary's architect of lies
Mercenary's The hours that remains
Mercenary's 11th hour

very good CD's XD
I'm surfing their myspace and it's very nice stuff, much like Dark Empire but I'm wondering what are their opinions on Christianity? :P
Got any info on the two bands?
i don't know much about their opinions, the only thing i know its that they dont have blasphemous or satanic lyrics, just the tipical mean or sad lyrics, like the majority of metal bands....... i hope that this "information" be of any use
Yeah, it's fine, thanks, I can handle their objective opinions, but I'm not too fond of bashing something that's a great part of my life :P
yeah, i understand that, i'm not too fond to that too....

when i'm starting to listen to a band, i get some information about their music, lyrical theme, whatever, but i dont bother to look for their opinions, at least not in the grand majority of times, except for my favorites.......

that said, i assure you i'm not going to recommend you anything against chistianity, because i dont listen to bands that are against it (evergrey would be an exception, sorry for that XD)
Yeah but I started wondering 'cause the vocalist of Dark Empire seems to be the same dude that sings for Persuader (Jens Carlsson)
and some of the lyrics of Persuader are pro-atheism.

Yeah, I'm an idiot when it comes to taking thins lightly :P