

New Metal Member
Nov 2, 2008
(beforhand sry for bad eng gram.)
I can't find official Sinergy site, so i created new thread. Their Last album was so awesome, im listening it again and again. Question that torments me all the time - would be any new album? bcz their albums sound in good traditions of young cob. Maybe someone knows
This kind of thing should be in the off-topic section. Just getting that out there before someone else barges in here and chops your balls off being the first one to say it to you.

Wikipedia said:
Sinergy is currently recording their latest album, entitled Sins of the Past that began production in 2004, for a release planned for late 2005, but which has gone into 2009, due to Children of Bodom's busy schedule.

That is just what Wikipedia says though, I don't actually know when it is going to come out, nor does anyone else I know. You'll either have to talk to someone who knows one of the band members personally, or just blindly wait like everyone else.
Marco from nightwish told me that he isn't going to be on the new sinergy album and that their probably isn't going to be one with roope and alexi devoting all their time to COB
Marco from nightwish told me that he isn't going to be on the new sinergy album and that their probably isn't going to be one with roope and alexi devoting all their time to COB
And so what? I always thought Marco left the band a few years ago and wouldn´t appear on a new album anyway, being replaced by Porra :confused:
It won't be coming for a while, I think, since every time Alexi is asked in an interview, that when new Sinergy album comes out he replies like: Next question.
And aren't there like 1.000.000 bassists out there. It will never come out unless someone asks is it not coming out because it's so crap. Alexi has too severe alcoholism to get a hold of things like this.
:lol: wtf. I'm gonna go and take over for Alexi, that's what I'm gonna do! haha, but nah, seriously it'd be cool to start a project with her. she's definitely a talented person. I've grown to love her vocals on Beware the Heavans.

btw, I totally didn't wake up in time this morning :p
seriously :( this whole week I'm gonna be stuck with studying for finals and writing papers, and then next week I gotta take those fucking finals.
poor FP, he'll have to wait. but maybe then he'll take sex as a bribe for personal lessons?
Perhaps. I'm sure he gets madz secks as is, but you can try.

-edit: Lol this was a Sinergy topic to begin with, sorry TS!
1. For some reason, I doubt it. He seems really innocent. I'll corrupt him once I take a boat over from Norway.
2. Who cares, this thread shouldn't be here anyway.

I got rid of my finals last week! :D

does this mean you'll write my Heidegger paper for me?