Even though I already have EX and a few add-ons with the WAV and GOG files, I have to agree that this is really poor communication on slates part as I'm pretty sure most would assume the package is as still described on various distributors description which state that it includes WAV and GOG files.

As the site appears to be overloaded right now it is impossible to check what the site describes the package as, but the cached version still shows them including WAV and GOG files. Hell even the description on the "regular" priced version on says it includes the WAV and GOG files. Seems like a massive mistake on someones part. Get the details right before you put out a deal like this and make all discrepancies obvious to the purchaser.

By the way - I still think it's a great deal and would buy it regardless, I just hate anything that smells like bait and switch.
While I agree it really should have been mentioned, you guys could always use something like KTDrumTrigger to convert the hits of whatever drum you want to replace to MIDI, then trigger them with the Kontakt player (and freeze/render if it starts to bog down your system) - sure it's a few extra steps, but IMO that's is worth saving $80! ;) (too bad I don't even have $20 to my name :waah::waah: )
Looks like the server(s) are getting killed here, been trying to get my login to download for the past half hour. Probably should give it a while before trying to download.
I'm not planning on purchasing Trigger. I purchased this because of the cost of a product that I wanted. I didn't want to pay a little money for the part of the product I don't want as much. An upgrade offer is nice and appreciated, but I want the product I paid for first.
but IMO that's is worth saving $80! ;) (too bad I don't even have $20 to my name :waah::waah: )

I agree with Metaltastic on this one - despite the discrepancy - it's still a great deal. I just hope Steven, who I think is a very honest guy, straightens this detail out. Thinking you are getting one thing and receiving another is not good regardless how small. I know he has been very open that this was the direction SSD was going, however, it still plastered everywhere that EX includes WAV/GOG files.
Very sorry to add folks that the GOG and WAV files are NOT part of this deal due to some serious issues we have had with them over the past two weeks.

For $20 I hope this doesn't ruin your day.

Be aware, that as an EX owner you'll have a discount on TRIGGER which will have replacement files and a killer drum replacer plugin.

We are preparing two new servers for this download.

Huh?!?!? I mean... that's just wrong...
It says the GOGs and WAVs are included in my confirmation email...:mad:
guys, go easy on me here. This exclusive audiomidi deal was not supposed to include wavs and gogs, and someone f'd up and said there would be. Once we found this out, we axed it.

Everyone except for the guy who said FU, email and say you are a SNEAP forum guy who got in the audio midi deal and you need wav/gogs, and after this whole deal is done, we'll hook it up for you guys like we always have and always will.

Except for the FU guy.

guys, go easy on me here. This exclusive audiomidi deal was not supposed to include wavs and gogs, and someone f'd up and said there would be. Once we found this out, we axed it.

Everyone except for the guy who said FU, email and say you are a SNEAP forum guy who got in the audio midi deal and you need wav/gogs, and after this whole deal is done, we'll hook it up for you guys like we always have and always will.

Except for the FU guy.


You're the man! Man!!!:rock::rock::rock:
guys, go easy on me here. This exclusive audiomidi deal was not supposed to include wavs and gogs, and someone f'd up and said there would be. Once we found this out, we axed it.

Everyone except for the guy who said FU, email and say you are a SNEAP forum guy who got in the audio midi deal and you need wav/gogs, and after this whole deal is done, we'll hook it up for you guys like we always have and always will.

Except for the FU guy.


Greatly appreciated man, Big thanks
Am i the only one who thinks that the deal fine as it is? Allright, the deal is misguiding with the GOG's and WAV's (which in audiomidi has the blame for it) but i'm more than happy! I'll just set-up Reaper's Stillwell Drumtrigger and good to go :) The only thing that's bugging me is that the download is as quick as my grandma doing groceries at the local supermarket, slow-as-.... (insert your own thinking there ;)) There must be hellaofalot people downloading this one
guys, go easy on me here. This exclusive audiomidi deal was not supposed to include wavs and gogs, and someone f'd up and said there would be. Once we found this out, we axed it.

Everyone except for the guy who said FU, email and say you are a SNEAP forum guy who got in the audio midi deal and you need wav/gogs, and after this whole deal is done, we'll hook it up for you guys like we always have and always will.

Except for the FU guy.


This is great! Thanks so much! :)