Anyone from earlier redownload the EX_001 and 002 yet? Are they still corrupt I can't resume my download with the manager, and I'm at 75% done! I have all the other files except 002! Hopefully when the servers are fixed I can resume! Thanks again Steven for the WAV/GOG's!
This deal looks incredibly enticing. For 20$ I will defenently have to pick this up. Also, Kudos to Mr.Slate for being a true and honest businessman. I tip my hat to you good sir. :kickass:

EDIT: Purchased and sent an email for the wav/gog files. This is gonna be fun :)
eMail sent. I bought this earlier today with the intention of utilizing the WAV's.
So when I found out it was a communication breakdown, I was purdee bummed.
But then here comes Slate to save the day.
Thank you for taking the time to take care of this issue.
Very kewl of you.
Take care

Just got an email back from support. Thanks for all the work you do! Awesome to know that there are companies that aren't out to cheat and will admit fault and be completely honest. Def have my well deserved respect.
Yeah, its nice to see there are still companies who actually care about the customers. Cheers Slate.

I've also bought this but I feel a bit guilty, seems wrong getting it a such a low price :)
Cant wait to get EX Metal and More. Rock!
I also bought this and when I read that it didn't include any gogs/wavs I was disappointed. But Slate truly saved my day, what a great customer care! :kickass:

Have you guys received any answers yet from the Slate customer support?
Man, combine 20bucks with 'instant Roland VDrum presets' and you've got me! I'll tell my drummer to grab it aswell! Jamming never sounded so good!
Why don't more software companies do this? I mean everyone I know that records is ordering this deal. What a bargain! If more people did these types of deals, they would earn more money IMO. I mean $20 may be a little too extreme, but $500 etc for plug in software is just screaming out for piracy.

Good friken job SS! The underground of starving musicians salutes you.
Since I'm sure it's going to come up in the not to soon future, I'll ask the question now.

Steven - for the people that buy the EX base package now to get a foot into the door of the EX expandable world, are they going to be dissapointed as they add expansions only to find that GOG and WAV files are missing. I know you have been pretty clear that this is the direction going forward with Trigger, so I think it's worth asking. Say someone plays around with base EX for a month, then decides to buy Metal & More, will they get the GOG/WAV files or are they out of luck?

Sorry to be a "Debbie Downer", I was just going over everything in my head and this was a lingering question since you have been so firm about this move going forward. This could potentially effect me as well since I was considering purchasing a few more expansions soon.

Thanks Steven - if you could provide an answer it would be greatly appreciated.
I've yet to get my passcode (says it could take up to 4 days :mad:). Said last night that the servers were down until they could get it straightened out.

I did email CS and they did say they would hook up gogs/wavs as soon as they got their shit together. So now I just have to wait to be able to download it.
Bought it too but the servers are down. Also, it says right in the Steven Slate Drums EX.PDF:

"You may optionally download:
• EX
These are the Steven Slate drum samples in Drumagog "GOG" format. If you're
using the Drumagog drum replacement plug-in, grab 'em.
• EX
These are the Steven Slate drum samples in standard raw .WAV format, and
may come in handy for drum replacement use, but be aware that these files are
pretty large."

Not sure why they would try and say they're not included after putting that in the PDF.
Since I'm sure it's going to come up in the not to soon future, I'll ask the question now.

Steven - for the people that buy the EX base package now to get a foot into the door of the EX expandable world, are they going to be dissapointed as they add expansions only to find that GOG and WAV files are missing. I know you have been pretty clear that this is the direction going forward with Trigger, so I think it's worth asking. Say someone plays around with base EX for a month, then decides to buy Metal & More, will they get the GOG/WAV files or are they out of luck?

Sorry to be a "Debbie Downer", I was just going over everything in my head and this was a lingering question since you have been so firm about this move going forward. This could potentially effect me as well since I was considering purchasing a few more expansions soon.

Thanks Steven - if you could provide an answer it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for raising this point Jind,

it would certainly be a factor in my possibly buying the expansion packs.

I actually don't give a shit about the Gog files, i just want individual Kick and Snare WAV hits.
All of the drum tracks for my own electronic music consist of Samples arranged on the timeline, not triggered from MIDI. i find that to be a much faster workflow for that kind of music than to fuck around with loading into a sampler and so forth.
Also, when blending kicks and snares, dropping them onto the timeline is the way to go IMO.
that way i can, for example, trim samples on the fly to make Ghost Snares or just make the kicks way shorter for a tighter sound.

The SSD Kicks and Snares are just perfect of use in Drum'N'Bass and other, harder Electronic styles, so the inclusion of seperate WAVs is a huge bonus.
If that gets taken away, honestly the appeal of the product is cut in half.

Steven, its your product and your company, you can do whatever you want with it and thats fine.
all i ask is that you consider that Wav samples are an integral part of the workflow of some customers and potential customers. :)