Slate Trigger - where we are at now

I'm guessing a few others will have a bone to pick in this thread too.

These aren't necessarily huge things, but need resolving regardless.

1. Updating the AU version to work properly in Logic. Still not able to use the most recent version as it won't validate. The MIDI functionality would be useful.

2. Getting the plugin upgraded to 64 bit. Explanation not really needed.

3. fixing the GUI bug where pressing the space bar doesn't make the track play. currently you have to click somewhere in the arrange window first for it to play. with the nature of auditioning samples, this gets increasingly annoying.

4. The Deluxe samples - what ever happened to getting those over? Feels like a forgotten/neglected thing now.

5. I remember steven saying he'd release versions that had been run through his bricasti unit. I'm not sure how concrete those plans were, but again it would be nice to see it come to fruition.
3. fixing the GUI bug where pressing the space bar doesn't make the track play. currently you have to click somewhere in the arrange window first for it to play. with the nature of auditioning samples, this gets increasingly annoying.

That doesn't happen to me in PT.... I can still hit space at any time and it will play.

and a big #6: FIX THE MIDI INPUT PROBLEM. They've known about it for quite some time and Steven has acknowledged and said he's having them look at it, but we still can't send midi into trigger and have it play samples properly...
That doesn't happen to me in PT.... I can still hit space at any time and it will play.

and a big #6: FIX THE MIDI INPUT PROBLEM. They've known about it for quite some time and Steven has acknowledged and said he's having them look at it, but we still can't send midi into trigger and have it play samples properly...

Odd, he said on facebook not a week ago that he wasn't aware of any outstanding issues with trigger and that because he used SSD4 via MIDI that Trigger usually flies under his radar. :loco:


3. fixing the GUI bug where pressing the space bar doesn't make the track play. currently you have to click somewhere in the arrange window first for it to play. with the nature of auditioning samples, this gets increasingly annoying.

I have this problem in PT also ... I thought maybe it was just a bug I had to deal with because I never updated to the newest version based on the complaints everyone was making about it

Seems thats not the case
Odd, he said on facebook not a week ago that he wasn't aware of any outstanding issues with trigger and that because he used SSD4 via MIDI that Trigger usually flies under his radar. :loco:

That's funny because we've brought it up to him multiple times, and ermz even linked to the thread on here where we talked to him about it. It's obviously been under the radar, but if he's got it in the new update then I'm not gonna worry about it.

I've just been using Massey DRT to convert to audio spikes instead, and it's worked fine in the meantime. Having midi would be even better though, as velocity adjustments on the fly would be quicker.
It's very "slate digital" to undertake another 5 more projects that are hugely time and resource absorbing than to tackle outstanding issues. It would be nice to get these issues resolved, and maybe less promises made in the future?

Obviously things take time, but a lot of stuff just feels like it gets brushed under the carpet.

On the plus side (for me) vcc and VTM seem rock solid, and fgx is nearly as stable.
With the Mac VST in REAPER:
1 - The MIDI out function is not very accurate I've found. Always seems a few ms behind but not consistently so it's a huge hassle to nudge EACH note manually. Reaper's dynamic split function is dead on most days.

2 - Never remembers the path to the samples in the settings.

3 - Maybe its just me but output always seems to need polarity flip when combined with real drums.
There was a promise of ambience IRs to use on the rest of the (non triggered) kit a long time ago but that never happened.

My biggest issue would be with the the (lack of) preset organization.
Would it be too hard to have a preset management system built into the plugin to have a "next/previous" function so you could quickly flick through all the included samples.
By the time you clear the slots then go back up to the main snare or kick menu then select the sound you want to try then open the sound's folder then double click the Z1 or Z2 or whatever, either the song is over or you have forgotten what the previous sound was like.
All that is needed is for each preset to open the close mic and room mic at regular mix levels. For a plugin that includes it's own library, I'm amazed that the integration of the library is so bad.
An example of a good way to do it would be Acousticas. I bought a couple of IR libraries from them and they included very good preset management where the download included presets for Logic's space designer and other popular IR loaders. This worked great and even though Trigger uses Slates own plugin (rather than a 3rd party plugin) it feels like the Plugin and the sounds are not connected and have to be loaded manually rather than an integral part of the plugin.
Ideally there should be presets for each sound plus the current loader system so layering of sounds is possible.

Actually that's a job for me on my next day off.
Open each sound and load up the direct and ambient samples, mix the right relative levels and save as a preset in logic and so on for all the kicks and snares so I can use next and previous setting in Logic to quickly audition sounds.
The reason I have not purchased Slate samples: a lot of negative feedback/issues in this forum. Otherwise, I would have purchased from Slate a while back.

Were the raw samples available, I would consider purchasing those. However my understanding is that the samples are only available if you purchase the software. Please correct me if I am wrong.
trigger is 64bit already right? ...or does that just mean it is compatible with 64bit and not utilize all the power...
^ya see right there, I just won't buy from companies that pull that corporate rag tag buttfucking shit.

It's a shame too because Slate samples are killer.

Sorry, what were you asking? If you get the actual wav files of the samples? Or if you get any of the trigger sample files with Trigger? trigger isn't 64bit? just 64bit compatible??

da hell:err: