SLAYER!!! (what do you think of them)

Abacinate.. eyes that bleed.. praying for the end of your wide awake nightmare.

How long can you last in their frozen water burial?

I mean, honestly, Slayer fucking slam it. Reign in Blood, Seasons, and South of Heaven are the shit.

I think they're great and aren't shit metal like Cannibal Corpse. Those types of bands, their songs sound all the same.
anybody like night of the stormrider and burnt offerings? (early iced earth)

that to me is some of the most classic "thrash" or heavy metal out there. after that horrow show was cool but i love that classic sound of early 90's iced earth.

i own the most famous slayer album...the one with angel of death on it. i cant really deal with the vocals or the solos...but i love the fast riffage and the drumming. if im in an angry mood i may throw on some slayer, but otherwise i don't listen to them much. just not one of my favorite styles i guess. (the aforementioned early 90's iced earth thrash is more my style and is the closest thing to slayer that i like)----> other than the staples of old school metallica/megadeth :headbang:
I always thought Slayer were one of those "You HAVE to like them or else you aren't metal" bands. So its cool to see people who don't worship them just because you are supposed to. But good on those who actually do enjoy them too!
What I think is funny that the play time on Reign in blood, South of Heaven and Seasons of the Abyss amount up to the same time as one and a half Opeth albums...

However, I have seen Slayer twice, both times incredible to watch. I met Kerry King at a record store where he was doing his BC Rich signings, and he's actually a cooler guy than you would imagine. He actually played some Slayer riffs for us on his guitar, and let us all play his guitar right in front of him, then he would correct us and play it the right way... it was fucking awesome^_^. In fact... now that I'm in a typing spree of how fucking cool Slayer is, I'm going to plug in my warlock that's coincidentally tuned to Eb standard and play me some Slayer riffs!!!!!

Alright, I'll give in.

Um, I have two Slayer shirts and I wear them with pride.

Reign in Blood is a very good album - my biggest problem with it is that they tried to cram in too many words into some lines and I just don't like Lombardo's drumming on it. Heresy? Perhaps. Seasons is also a very good album, although there are a few more filler tracks than necessary. War Ensemble, Dead Skin Mask, and Seasons in the Abyss more tha make up for those though. Divine Intervention is also a good album, although the guitar tone is too midrangey and loses some impact. I thought that Diabolus In Musica was actually very good. God Hates Us All I really don't like too much. The riffs all seemed like they were played at the bottom three frets or lower of the low E, and Araya was just screaming, no singing, and it was distorted and whiny. Oh well, maybe next time.

South of Heaven is one of my favorite albums. I just love that album, and there are so many great riffs on it. Def. the strongest of the Slayer albums in my opinion, for a few reasons: they used a little variation in tempo, giving slow(er) and fast more impact, and their solos actually seemed thought out to some extent as opposed to the almost random solos on Reign in Blood.

I like Bostaph a lot more than Lombardo, I just think he's a better drummer, although he relies on tom fills too much.

I wish Jeff Hanneman was praised and recognized more than Kerry King. He writes the best Slayer riffs and always has.

Slayer deserves their status for their impact on more than one genre, as well as the 'Slayer Scale' the particular note intervals and chordal progressions they pretty much invented and use in countless of their trademark riffs. These intervals and overall discomforting sound and plays with harmony greatly influenced metal as we know it today. If you pay attention to how they structure their note intervals, you could follow that pattern as a set scale within which to work and write a riff that sounded like slayer. They truly created their own sound.

The thing which bothers me most are the people who think Slayer is crap but feel like since Slayer are metal legends or whatever that they have to preface their distaste by saying, "I think they're really talented, but they just don't do it for me". I understand for some people this is true, such as whoever it was that posted similar sentiments in this thread earlier. There are bands who I recognize as a good band but they do nothing for me, and that is what I say if someone asks about them. It's just I have met way too many people who feel like they have to be PC when dissing Slayer just because metal mags rave about them.

BTW, I miss the 'now playing' thingy for posts.
I think Slayer's album quality is quite variable, but their big three albums are quite incredible. Pure squalling, controlled aggression. I don't get a great deal from their lyrics, which are often a bit silly although an earlier poster did a good Angel of Death quote. It's not about songwriting for me, more about how much they make me want to bounce into other people also loving Slayer :headbang:
I like the punk-cover album. The song Gemini at the end is pretty good. Seasons In The Abyss (the song) is another highlight.
Brackofthemountain said:
I met Kerry King at a record store where he was doing his BC Rich signings, and he's actually a cooler guy than you would imagine. He actually played some Slayer riffs for us on his guitar, and let us all play his guitar right in front of him, then he would correct us and play it the right way... it was fucking awesome^_^.

Apparently Kerry King can play any Slayer riff without warming up... apart from Postmortem. He still slags off big Dave though.

opeth_353 said:
Used to love them .. Then realised how samey they were .. Awful.. Awful solos. Good musicians though and an amazing drummer.

Anyway, this mate of mine who plays guitar in a local doom band asked me if I can solo like K.K. (When they're bored in rehearsals they cover Postmortem) and I said Sure, why not...

So he got on the drums and we formed a little supergroup with a couple of other mates who are in bands (we'd been talking about it for awhile) and I did the most unplanned, hideous, atonal solo I've ever done (It made you want to :puke: ) and he was chuffed out of his mind. Luckily his drumming also matches the Slayer template :D

< /hijack >
i used to be into slayer when i was 15 and then i moved on because their music wasn't all that interesting. paul bostaph was one hell of a drummer and anyone who thinks different is just full of shit. but dave prolly had the biggest impact on metal drumming over anyone else. KK is a fuckin moron but i've always liked jeff. no seriously. someone else posted a similar story but he came here to a local music store and "challenged" people to play a slayer riff better than more of a dumbfuck plz. and the biggest reason ill never like this worthless POS is because in an interview he said SLIPKNOT was the most aggressive music today and that all other metal is pretty much CRAP. fucking pathetic fat fucking idiot.
in an interview he said SLIPKNOT was the most aggressive music today and that all other metal is pretty much CRAP. fucking pathetic fat fucking idiot.

Even Slayer are more agressiv than Slipknot... Was he drunken?