Fave part of a Symhony X song?

Yeah, it is hard to decide but the first two that come to mind are these. Actually I can't believe no one has mentioned the first one I have listed (the first to come to my mind).

Candlelight Fantasia: Russ's vox- "I can't escape, this captive misery, heart stone cold, under supremacy, thrown into a raging sea of tyranny."

"Lifes vile walls, have tangled me in threads, Eternally caught in my futures threads, play.....the violent strings of my SYMPHONAAAAYYY"

Rediscovery II: at the end where the guitars get real black metal sounding and Russ uses that gizmo to distort his voice.

"Again the Titans clash, at the edge of this earthen plane,
Now from the depths they speak-echoing from the waves....from the waves"
It was tough, but I gotta say, the build in Fallen, you know what Im talkin about, right before the last chorus. I think it ends with the lyrics "My shadow burns across the night"? somethin like that. Such a good build with Romeo keepin it on that one note while the vocal harmony soars majestically, god damn, i gotta listen to it now!