Slipping into Depression


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Nov 16, 2002
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and for real reason, thing is i really need to be in a good mood for these exams cos otherwise i know i'll make more mistakes and be more lazy with revision.

any ideas on how to get out before it sinks in?
and what do you usually do when your depressed to make yourself feel better?
stefan86 said:
Try doing some unserious things, hang with some friends or something and dont think too much.
That usually works.
Yeah, just be care-free for a while and don't think much. One of my friends once told me that sometimes in the river of life, you've got to let loose and let the flow take you with itself, instead of trying to get yourself somewhere.
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Hexxan said:
and for real reason, thing is i really need to be in a good mood for these exams cos otherwise i know i'll make more mistakes and be more lazy with revision.
I'm kind of similar at the moment. My first exam is on saturday, attended a single lecture for it this year, so who knows how i'll go, should start studying soon but can't yet because i still have major assignments due. And at the moment i'm just drifting into my weird moods and getting annoyed at everything. I guess it'll pass, i'm not sure what the real issue is, think I'm just lonely or something, but that's kind of silly because i have people. I'll get over it.

Hexxan said:
any ideas on how to get out before it sinks in?
and what do you usually do when your depressed to make yourself feel better?
Find out what you're really getting depressed about and deal with it? Or just give it a few days and if it really is nothing then you'll come right. Try just talking about it, whether it's to a friend, here, or in a journal or something, just start writing and see what comes out, maybe you'll clear your mind and start to realise what's going on up there.

I usually listen to music, and play some mindless computer game for ages. And talk to friends, if i can and if i don't feel too bad about doing so, but i can say silly things when i'm not so happy, so i have to keep control and not let that get out of hand!
I have tried many things over the years to curb my depression and (mostly)my anger. What I have found to work is the following - Meditation, music(Preferably of the brutal DM kind, in my case), and being with the people I love. Talking about it also does a world of good.
I would recommend doing something constructive as well. A hobby or craft that you enjoy doing. I like writing, and that usually helps to take my mind off whatever's troubling me. Find something that works for you.
Belial said:
I would recommend doing something constructive as well. A hobby or craft that you enjoy doing. I like writing, and that usually helps to take my mind off whatever's troubling me. Find something that works for you.

Yes! I forgot all about that. One of the best things to do when depressed! I usually will either write music, or play guitar(usually both) - lately I've been focusing all of my anger into my offensive(to say the least) joke BM band. :D
stefan86 said:
For me, its more often anger than depression.
I usually dont get depressed since i dont take life seriously and probably never will :p

If you don't take life seriously, what's there to get angry about. :D
Here's my cure:

Buy long rpg, preferably Morrowind, Baldur's Gate 2, or Xenosaga... buy controlled substance... buy Maudlin of the Well's dual release Bath and Leaving Your Body Map... buy a lock... buy some food... board yourself up for a week.
Belial said:
I would recommend doing something constructive as well. A hobby or craft that you enjoy doing. I like writing, and that usually helps to take my mind off whatever's troubling me. Find something that works for you.

Im depressed because I have to write a couple of essays in a few days that I don't really want to write. And I have no ideas where to begin. Lets kill two birds with one stone and you can do those essays for me... deal? :loco:
LuminousAether said:
Here's my cure:

Buy long rpg, preferably Morrowind, Baldur's Gate 2, or Xenosaga... buy controlled substance... buy Maudlin of the Well's dual release Bath and Leaving Your Body Map... buy a lock... buy some food... board yourself up for a week.

Try Suikoden 3!!!

That game fucking RULES!
Light anxiolytics like tianeptin will help you. Don't forget: it's never too soon to begin; you'll surely need them later, so why don't get the good habits right now?
woah! i remember when i posted this UM crashed, so i thought i lost it, seems like it made it after all!

well im personannly feeling fine, and did so through most of my exams, they have all been suprisingly easier than i imagined them, so alls good :)