So working at Radio Shack has stoked the gadget GAS fires within me, but I still wanna be smart with my money, so I've decided I want to get either a smart phone with a data plan or a netbook (just using wifi for the latter). I'm leaning towards the netbook since I can check my email from pretty much any phone (without having to purchase the data plan), but I dunno, having internet access wherever I go would be pretty cool; I guess I'm wondering, from you dudes with smart phones and data plans: what are some of the uses to you that I might not have thought of? Cuz if all it's for is facebook mobile, browsing the web, etc., that is totally not worth the cost to me...
Oh, and I'm aware I could get a data plan for the netbook with one of those little USB antennas, but $60/month can fuck off SO hard
Oh, and I'm aware I could get a data plan for the netbook with one of those little USB antennas, but $60/month can fuck off SO hard