So, Accordinf to the polls the BEST SymphonyX song is...

Ultimate Best SX Song

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
See.. I dont see the huge deal in DWOT.. Yeah its great I love it.. but.. i didnt find it THAT interesting (yeah i will be hunted down and dismembered for this).. The music was the best thing about it, but the lyrics were a bit sparse for the length of the song, and not that earth-shattering. My favorite thing about it is Romeo's guitar solo at the end just before the last verse of the song.

But the odyssey, i think it has alot going on at every moment, nothing bores me there. And it does indeed show the genius of Romeo's composing and writing abilities.

Of course this is all IMO :grin:
DestrwidoR said:
This is NOT the good ones... or better, this is some good ones, not a good selection...
The songs taken were the two from each album that got the most votes. So, apparently, your opinion doesn't quite agree with the massses. Or at least what passes for the masses on an online forum.
SilentRealm said:
See.. I dont see the huge deal in DWOT.. Yeah its great I love it.. but.. i didnt find it THAT interesting (yeah i will be hunted down and dismembered for this).. The music was the best thing about it, but the lyrics were a bit sparse for the length of the song, and not that earth-shattering. My favorite thing about it is Romeo's guitar solo at the end just before the last verse of the song.

But the odyssey, i think it has alot going on at every moment, nothing bores me there. And it does indeed show the genius of Romeo's composing and writing abilities.

Of course this is all IMO :grin:

I agree, I voted for The Odyssey
I agree with scanner313 on the fact that TDWOT is better than The Odyssey. However, it's obvious that the rivalry between them on this poll is because they are the band's longest songs. Most people have trouble with quality over quantity. In my opinion, Symphony X's two "long" songs are among the best they've ever written. However, that's not due to their length, but rather their quality. Many bands have very long songs that people love JUST because they're long. Does anyone remember Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence?

For example, Egypt is twice as long as Sea Of Lies, but I think the latter songs slays it in every way imaginable.