So all you hot shot people who believed in STYE

i dont care if they get popular...its their music which sucks, if they got popular with whoracle or TJR...who cares? the music is great, STYE is a load of shit, its about as complex as dirt
actually dirt is more complex than all in flames music. but that's beyond the point. the point is, this forum is called "In Flames", not "Only post here if you're planning on praising a band that's turned to shit". get a life, to you people complaining about this thread, you wasted your own time.
Listen...When stye will come out there will be soooo much new fans that the in flames we knew will die for good. In flames took a different path and decided to go for the load of money. Maybe soundtrack to your escape will be a ok album but I do think that there intention is to go get more fans from the united states cause that is the place with the most possible ( nu-metal ) fans. Even here ( canada ) there is alot of nu-metal fans and that is If goal. We need to stop bashing for nothing caise IF dont care. They maid that clear with the linking flames t-shirt and the white dresses. Lets just enjoy the old IF and maybe the new if its not so bad.
God this is getting boring. No wonder only 5 people post here. It's like a spot the In Flames fan competition, except there are none.