So, Do you think Pinella is milles away from Jordan technically??


Mortal With Immortal Mind
Ultimate_Symphony said:
If Pinella was as good as Jordan he would show it in his work with SyX. If Jordan shows some of his skill, why can't Pinella? I'm not saying that Pinella can't play advanced classical pieces, but he's certainly not at Jordan's technical level.
Harp Heaven said:
Pinnella is on the same level as Jordan? Based on what, that both studied piano?

I`m a keyboardist, and a proficient and knowledgeable one at that, and I can tell you that unless you live in some kind of parallell universe, the fact remains that Pinnella is miles away from Jordan technically, which I can say is objectively true based on my experience with the artists in question, both as a listener and a player. This is, of course based on what I`ve heard them play on the records(I am familiar with all records of DT and SX).

I give up...o_O Maybe im mad, but i think they are on the same level. What do you think?
i kind of agree with "ultimate" coz i'm very familiar with Dt's and SX's albums and i have to say that technically Rudess is a much more complete keyboardist....but pinella is right behind...BOTH RULE SUPREME!!
Kurt Cobain didn't display any technicality in his music but who's to say that he couldn't play technical? (We all know he wasn't but it's an example) Just because the music isn't as technical or requires to be, it doesn't mean the said musicians aren't.
oh please... do we have to have yet another Symphony X vs. Dream Theater thread? Can't we let the music of Symphony X stand on its own without being so insecure?
This thread has the same merits as any other "who's better" thread, so discuss if you wish. People can be defensive, especially if Pinella isn't as technical as Rudess and someone mentions it on this forum. I don't persoally care, I enjoy them both equally.
My 2 cents worth,
Rudess is a very fast, technical keyboardist. A fair bit more advance in that department than Mike P. But Mike P is (IMO) more mature phrasing and melodic sensibility (particularly in V, the Odessey) but at the end of the day, I'll have to go with JR.
I just think his licks are so fucking crazy and cool. Alot of people call him a "show-off wanker shredder" but I still like the shreddage. But thats all a matter of opinion.
Why is this such a big deal? let the music speak to you, you shouldn't lose your sleep because one keyboard player is better technically than the other (no offense intended).

Harp Heaven: Just let you know i play piano since 8, so im also know what im talking about.

Come on man, don't go to such a low level. I've been playing also since I was 8, but that's not the point here. You shouldn't say something like that in order to prove your opinion. I actually think that you love so much SyX's music that you can't stand when someone says a player from DT is better technically than a player of SyX. Like I said, chill out. Music is the important thing here, not who's better (technically) than the other.

Kurt Cobain didn't display any technicality in his music but who's to say that he couldn't play technical? (We all know he wasn't but it's an example) Just because the music isn't as technical or requires to be, it doesn't mean the said musicians aren't.

I think I made that pretty clear already :D
I like Pinella MUCH better, but wow... watch DT's live DVD, and Rudess will fuck up your world, lol. He's flawless and amazing, and does it with ease (it reminds me of Romeo, the effortlessness).
Luis said:
I give up...o_O Maybe im mad, but i think they are on the same level. What do you think?

I wish they would bring Mike P's keyboards out more live. When I saw DT, Jordan was the only one who kept my attention. Otherwise they bored me to death. (Man, I'm gonna be blasted for this :) ) Anyway, it just seems to me that P. isn't showcased like he could be (solos, maybe???) Technically superior?? I don't know, nor care. They are 2 different musicians in 2 different bands. Both really good IMO.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
My 2 cents worth,
Rudess is a very fast, technical keyboardist. A fair bit more advance in that department than Mike P. But Mike P is (IMO) more mature phrasing and melodic sensibility (particularly in V, the Odessey) but at the end of the day, I'll have to go with JR.
I just think his licks are so fucking crazy and cool. Alot of people call him a "show-off wanker shredder" but I still like the shreddage. But thats all a matter of opinion.

Are you sure that you're 13??!!!
anyway, I don't like this topic or any other versus topic, but I like Pinella better. What he contributes gives the music much more atmosphere, I don't care about the wanking and that keyboard tremelo that Rudess overuses, goddamn, he's almost as bad as Kirk and the wah pedal. But I must say, when DT is doing a circle Jerk, with Petrucci, Rudess, and maybe even Myung in unison, then Rudess is pretty damn cool. Those circle jerks although highly showy are just fucking awesome. It would be cool if SX did one, but then everyone would come on here and say that they are copying dream theater.
let me first say that comparing Pinella to Rudess to me sounds like comparing apples to oranges.

with that out of the way, I prefer the technicality of Rudess. Although I'm not ashamed to point out that the chemistry of Pinella and Romeo work better than that of Petrucci and Rudess.

One thing's for sure though: I prefer Michael Pinella over Derek Sherinian any day of the week.
Ultimate_Symphony said:
Why is this such a big deal? let the music speak to you, you shouldn't lose your sleep because one keyboard player is better technically than the other (no offense intended).

My point exactly. You may like Pinellas playing better, and I don`t have any problem with that, but that Rudess is superior technically is a fact, not an opinion. Every note is of perfect duration and velocity, no matter how complex the licks (Glass Prison arpeggios, Great Debate solo, Home solo) even when playing live. Pinella on the other hand, is off-time, both live (unison run in Fallen, keyboard solos in Of Sins and Shadows) and in the studio, and his licks are for the most part simple linear and scalar patterns, with "logical" finger positions that lend themselves readily to being played fast- I have played my share of Pinella stuff, so I know what I am talking about. Just because the guy plays in your favourite band doesn`t mean he is the intergalactic holiness of keyboard playing.

I'll take Pinella over Rudess any day, he has shown far more control and his solos are more precise...

That is a lie. Rudess is far more precise, if one is to measure precision by how close one is to the mathematically correct note value based on the BPM of the song in question, as well as how even the velocity of the notes are.

Kurt Cobain didn't display any technicality in his music but who's to say that he couldn't play technical? (We all know he wasn't but it's an example) Just because the music isn't as technical or requires to be, it doesn't mean the said musicians aren't.

I agree, but Symphony X ARE technical, and so is Mike Ps playing. So your point is that Pinella, due to the ennui of playing precise and even notes, deliberately made his playing more sloppy? :D

Oh, and for the record; I don`t even like Rudess. I find his playing tasteless and about as emotional as a slab of granite.
slab of granite...
lol. harpuu!!

i agree that rudess is way ahead in terms of the music he has recorded
he's recorded a lot of different style solos and they all sound awesome...
pinella has played one style of solo and a few good rhythm styles...
but there is no recording to show that he can go beyond the stuff in symphony x which gets repetitive...

i really like the solo he plays on transcendence I though...its so emotional and really good

anyway i stand being harp heaven cause i've heard his playing and he's SICK!!!