So how's it going?

Yeah, I was just kidding. I can't stand that expensive organic stuff. I mean, I might start taking very seriously what I take into my body. If not for health reasons, then because I'm bored.
I fully intend on taking what I eat seriously again, especially after living my aunt and seeing the effects of "TOTAL FUCKING SHITFOOD" on me. Yeah. But organic? fuck that. It's a crock of shit. Like the fat people eating the cheeseburger and getting the diet coke.
Do you have the store Wild Oats up there? I hate that place. I hate all "natural" foods stores actually. They are such a rip-off sham.
- vacation (or any weekend music fests?)
Going to Europe June 25 (London 3 weeks, Oxford 3 weeks, then a Mediterrenean cruise 2 weeks)

- job (sticking with current or looking for something new?)
Senior year. Write a lot in hopes of getting into good MFA program.

- girlfriend / boyfriend (want one? dumping one? in between?)
I'm as free as a bird now, and this bird you cannot change.

- most anticipated music?
New Agalloch. Peter Gabriel.

- watching the world cup?
More like playing FIFA on Sega Genesis a bunch of times with my stoner friend

- anything in general that is life altering in any way?
Uhh, I got a DWI not too long ago...

I'm happier than a pig in shit!
Yeah, me and 3 friends were at the beach and on the 10 minute drive back to the place I got pulled over for speeding (which was bullshit because the fucking speed limit went from 45 to 25 for 100 feet (seriously) and the cop was waiting there) and he smelled the beer we'd just drank. I'm only 20 and am allowed NO ALCHOHOL AT ALL so I was f'ed. Though I'm getting my license back in a few days.
Claws of Perdition said:
It would indeed be the greatest thing since sliced brea, sliced bread being invented the previous winter.
Someday son, that'll be our new home. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not the next day, but someday.
Later that day we set sail for America.

:lol: x1.21 gigawatts
Thanatopsis123 said:
- job (sticking with current or looking for something new?)
Within the last week and half I've applied to 19 jobs in Japan. I've only heard back from one and that was to say the position had been filled. Competition is high and this is a shitty season for the type of work I'm trying to get. My hopes are quickly diminishing. Maybe I'll try China instead.

Cool, but is it possible to get a job there without speaking japanese... or perhaps you do? Double cool if so :loco: