So how's it going?

spaffe said:
Cool, but is it possible to get a job there without speaking japanese... or perhaps you do? Double cool if so :loco:

It's perfectly possible to get a job there without any Japanese ability. Most eikaiwas (conversation schools) don't require any and some even prefer you have none so you won't be trying out your Japanese skills on the students. All you need is a degree and native-level ability with whichever language they're looking for.

And no, I've only recently been studying the language. I'm very much a beginner but immersion is the best way to learn so I'll pick it up much faster once there.

Just a few moments ago I was contacted by the first company that seems to be interested! Maybe I still have a chance. *crosses fingers*
dorian gray said:
do wha now? In all honesty, anything that is that effective is available by prescription only. The only thing over the counter that reduces inflammation is 1% hydrocortisone, or perhaps *maybe* 5% but I've never seen it. Extrememly effective medications must be prescribed by physicians because of the general rule that the more potent a medication is, the more substances it may negatively interact with.

it's not medication.

DMSO is a topical liquid that soaks in and increases blood flow to an area at the microscopic level. It used to be illegal to sell for human use, but that has since changed. It's been used by a lot of athletes for years though, they just had to buy it through a vetrinarian who treated horses.

Arnica Gel is from a plant, it does the same thing as DMSO. WHen combined they make a deadly combo and the arnica takes away the burning tingle of DMSO.

If you doubt this. I'll smash both your arms with a baseball bat, or a hockey stick if we want to re-create reality. We'll put the shit on one.

Been using it for ages in our house, our hockey billet received a 2-hand baseball-bat slash to his wrist and it swelled up huge. Team doctor said he'd probably be out for 2 weeks. Mom made him put the shit on (he was skeptical), and combine with proper icing. By the next day the swelling was gone, he played in a game 3 days after the slash.

It also worked well for my buddy's cauliflower ear from rugby.