so I just got out of the hospital...


Aug 30, 2001
Again. Collapsed lung, 4th time it's happened. I had an extensive surgery this time which will hopefully fix the problem for good. I was there for 15 days. I missed Valentine's Day, which would have been the first time I'd had a real girl in my life to spend it with. At least she was there in the hospital room with me. I also missed my golden birthday. I turned 23 on Feb 23rd. The hospital is a very crappy place to spend a birthday, although I got a nice piece of cake with my lunch that day (which I gave to my gf). The highlight of the experience must have been getting a nice update on the recording of Enemies of Reality from Jeff one night while I lay there with 2 tubes in my chest, high on morphine.

here's a cool pic of me with the stuffed llama that my girl got me while i was in there, lol


So yeah, I'm alive and back :)
Dead Fetus--

I almost started a thread after I read it at the SMO site, but I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do, since it's your business and your health.

I just wanted to say get completely better ASAP, and hope you're out on the stage kicking ass again soon.

I thought about you off and off since I heard, and I didn't know how to help. Glad to see a few really strong people are going to do benefits too! I think its extremely cool the way others have pulled for you, and had you in their thoughts.

Complete recovery--I hope for no less for you.

Stay out of unhealthy areas, like venues....

My advice ok!!


No wonder!!
Oh man, i hope you're doing ok now!!
Pff, i dunno what to say! Just get well soon, ok?
We really need to catch up..a LOT happened!!
I'll tell you whenever you feel ok for a chat, ok?

say hi to Amy for me!!
(tell her i got a few pics already..and i'll get a digicam real soon now!!)
good to have you back. hope the problem really is solved for good this time. *fingers crossed* :)

:wave: from metalized and me.
I don't really know you, to be honest, but I'm going to wish you good luck anyway. Here's to hoping you won't have to listen to EoR in the hospital too. And if you do, then we'll bug the band to head over to your hospital, set up in front of your bed, and play the entire album. Hell, you're in Seattle...why not?
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dOOd, I feel your pain. Trust me, I really do. I had 5 collapsed lungs/chest tubes on both sides before I finally had the corrective surgery. This was in April and May of 2001, if I remember correctly. While I still have the occasional random pain that is similar to the feeling of a collapsed lung, I have yet to have another occurrence. Keep your head up, man. You have probably experienced your last 'incident.'

I'm assuming you had the surgery where they scar the chest cavity to prevent reoccurrence? I know you probably feel like crap right now, but the intense pain of normal breathing will go away within a few weeks. Just do everything possible NOT to get the hick-ups. (Oof, does that ever suck-especially with the two tubes dangling out)

If you have any questions about what to expect, lemme know.

(Mostly a lurker)
Yeah, I hope it's fixed for good. The time before this, I had surgery, too. The doctor told me he did all this wonderful shit and that it wouldn't happen again. It wasn't until it DID happen again that he told me he ended up NOT doing all the shitin the surgery he said he was going to. Fucking bastard. Needless to say, I went with a different surgeon this time, and he actually did everything he said he would do. The pinched off and stapled a bleb they found, and cut the excess part of the lung out, and them scarred the tissue to my chest cavoty. Much more extensive shit than the last hoax of a surgery. The pain right now isn't so bad, and i feel nothing when I breathe. The worst is if I lay on my side for too long, it will start to hurt then. But as soon as I sit up, it's fine again. The percocets help greatly, and on Tuesday, i'll get this stupid tube removed for good. Finally. I can't wait to be able to view this bullshit in past-tense ;)
My girl just scanned this. Before and after pics of my lung. Good shit.

On a semi-related note, I have finally registered It will contain my personal website featuring my art, radio career, band career, and other various stuff. Right now it's a coming soon page with a preview of what the site will look like. Check it out