So i saw opeth yesterday...

Raistlin Majere

Through the hourglasses
Apr 22, 2005
Palanthas High Sorcery Tower
And it was awsome. The guys were awsome, the music was awsome, my place was awsome etc etc. The thing is i wouldnt think that they would play so perfectly, nor they would be so nice towards us. Mikael showed up saying "iyi akşamlar ankara"(good night ankara) and he was really talkative during the gig. I was just next to the stage and Martin Mendez was just infront of me. He was also really nice indeed he gave me the metal horns several times and smiled at me and he even posed for a pic and gave me an autograph *fangirl and proud*. Other than that, because Martin Lopez is seriously ill and he cant travel for the gigs, Martin Axenrot was helping them and he was as legendary as Martin Lopez indeed. He gave us his drumstick anyways *fangirlness continues*. So now, i cant move my head because of excessive amounts of headbanging or talk cus of singing loudly im overly happy and feel like i had several orgasms in 1 and a half hours.

So heres sum pics that i took yesterday night, sorry for the crappiness, those were taken by my crappy phone but a friend of mine took sum with his cam, ill try to get them aswell.

Martin Mendez, poor guy just had to pose for me cus of my yellings:p

Mikael Akerfeldt

woo hoo headbang by Mikael and Martin

Martin Axenrot

My mighty "broken" drumstick and the autograph by Mendez
Yeah, i saw them at the Istanbul gig.Concert was very good.:kickass:

Thanks for sharing,Cool pics\m/(Video fln varsa koyabilirsen gzl olur:))
Nice, I saw them at the Warfield in San Francisco, only PEccatum as support so they played for like two hours, it was fantastic... yeah the replacement drummer is spot on impressive so it is okay Martin couldn't make it, although I hope he gets better
Nick Brookes said:
you suck @ photos :p
well told ya. i dont have a proper cam.

@woad, i didnt have a chance to take pics "with" them.

@Md Player, thank you.(bende yok da bazı arkadaşlar çekti sanırım alabilirsem alırım)

@GhostOfPerdition, well 3 songs off ghost reveries(ghost of perdition, baying of the hounds, the grand conjuration) and sum other 6 kickass songs off different albums. The best one between them was Drapery Falls though.