Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hi dudes :headbang:

Like I told you in the "Fucking Powermetal" thread, there will be a nice solo section for the new Machines & Madness song. Well.. our own Keregioz (alias Kimon Zeliotis) made the beginning:

Updated link: Keregioz lead solo (Machines & Madness)

I think, the solo is absolutely awesome! Not only the performance, the lead tone as well is very, very nice. This "leads" me to the following question, Kimon. What gear did you use to record it?
Thanks Felix!

Unfortunately, like I already told you, I wasn't able to use my new guitar (carvin dc727) because it's still on the workshop to change pickups so I used my trusted schecter C7 blackjack equipped with EMG707s. For distortion I used TSS, revalver mkIII and guitarhack's "thisone.wav" impulse file.
Very welcome, dude! This solo is wild, fast and crazy! :D I´m not 100% sure, if some of the notes you played were purposefully NOT diatonic (to let is sound more crazy), but I guess so. It´s simply phantastic and I know, you fucking gave all..even physically! This is highly appreciated :worship:

Thanks for the information. This lead tone is far better than some of my lead tones, I´ve made in the last time. It´s a pleasent, warm and singing lead tone.
I dont want to sound "picky" or snobbish, because my techskills or solo writing skills aren't ANYWERE NERE this solo, but somehow for me it doesn't sound well "glued"...
as if some of the parts wont fit together 100%, and some "übergänge" (got no english word for that) could be smoother :/
but the skills are amazing non the less :headbang:
Thanks guys, I'm glad you liked the solo considering I almost got carpal tunnel recording it ;).

Mago, I'm always interested in honest opinions so thanks for that... Obviously I can't comment on it because I've listened this solo so many times while recording it that I just can't be objective, it's different when you hear it for the first time. What I have to say, though, is that it seemed to me the specific backing track was more suitable for a "shredish" solo and while I do have some skills to do that with a some effort and some studio "magic" (;)) it's not my strong point. I believe that I'm better at more melodic stuff (with some little shred parts thrown in) like my solos in the other two songs Felix recorded.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to listen to what Lasse and Wolfgang are going to come up with...
The solo is absolutely cool, I don´t think it´s not glued enough. This was supposed to be a shred solo and so job perfectly done imo :) The only thing I still don´t know, the legato run beginning 0:09 and ends at 0:10 :)lol:) there are two tones I think there aren´t diatonic, BUT when you´ve played it with purpose for crazyness or anything, then it´s absolutely cool. It is good, how you deal with criticism, Keregioz. At this level of guitar mastery, it´s simply admirable :worship:

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to listen to what Lasse and Wolfgang are going to come up with...

Yeah, I´m very corious too. Though I know Wolfgang and Lasse have a lot work to do. I´ve agreed with Wolfgang for a deadline "31 May 2010". Til this date I don´t wanna ask.
Now it´s really awesome, creamy and simply amazing. You guys don´t know, what Kimon brought for sacrifice to play this insane legato lick :lol: He even had to slack off a few days to perform it like it is, cause it was painful.
He even had to slack off a few days to perform it like it is, cause it was painful.

Haha...that's only part of the reason though, a big part was the fact I got a new guitar a few days earlier which was really awesome and I was unable to put it down for 3-4 days so by the time I started working on this solo my hand already wasn't in the best condition.