So long, and thanks for all the shit.

Janina said:
I don't understand why ppl take things too seriously... I never cared if someone called me an idiot or whatever (maybe that's because I know I am one :loco: ) Most of these ppl here are funny and great persons, I couldn't leave even if I wanted to :lol:

Yeah, you rock, old time CoB fans usually do!
you know what this thread ALWAYS brings to my head?

"so long and thanks for all the fish
So sad that it should come to this
We tried to warn you all but oh dear?

You may not share our intellect
Which might explain your disrespect
For all the natural wonders that
grow around you

So long, so long and thanks
for all the fish"

tu ru tu tu tudu tudu
tuuu ru tu tu tudu tudu

This is but the whining end of a modern novel.....
And thereby, why do people always forget that this is the OFF-TOPIC section?!?
Gazzilions of threads with Alexi pictures bore the life out of me...'s a fucking off-topic board...dunno what the hell they were on about.


