So now that Opeth is on its death bed....

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Apr 5, 2003
Opeth for the most part, had a good dedicated line-up through most of their history. I think the team of Mike / Peter is irreplaceable... I also thought Lopez was irreplaceable. Now that Opeth has a foot in the grave, will you still follow them? If their next CD blows, will that be it for them? I really think they should have stopped after Lopez, but I can understand getting a new drummer to continue... but I think without Lindgren it really just won't be the same at all. They're going to have different guitars, drums, and now keys... It will be like a completely different band almost. :loco:

I put the questions in bold incase you didn't know what to reply to. :lol:

And congrats to ND for the good line-up and ongoing companionship, and stuff... all the hard-earned success.

That is absurd man. You haven't heard the new album, yet you already plot their demise?

Man, give it a chance! I don't think anyone should worry just yet. I hate when people do that shit. (not you as much, but those drama queen fucks)

Be patient friend.
If the album is amazing, people will be quick to forget about Peter and Lopez. Sad but true. We've been fortunate enough to continue to grow and continually release quality with every line up change we've had. Don't count them out yet. It may end up being their best yet. New blood means new fire.
A few things...

First, Mikael writes everything. Consequently, Peter's departure will have minimal impact on the quality of Opeth's future output.

Second, who ends a band because the drummer quit? There are very few drummers who impact a band's sound in a dramatic way. Granted Lopez was an excellent drummer, but I seriously doubt Opeth's next disc will rise or fall based on the strength of the drumming.

Lastly, Opeth's line-up changes will have little to do with their demise. One could argue that they've been on the decline since "Still Life". "Deliverance" was weak, "Damnation" was disappointing and "Ghost Reveries" is chore to get through in one sitting.

If the album is amazing, people will be quick to forget about Peter and Lopez. Sad but true. We've been fortunate enough to continue to grow and continually release quality with every line up change we've had. Don't count them out yet. It may end up being their best yet. New blood means new fire.

Gonna have to agree with Paul on this one... they're not over yet, wait for the album and then judge.
Not much a fan of Ghost Reveries myself.. but like pretty much everything else. I think their new drummer "axe" falls way short of Lopez.. from the 2 or 3 times i've seen them live with him, he is way more sloppy and doesn't have that technical flare that Lopez had, so I was kind of disappointed from that perspective. It sucks to see Peter go, because he was part of the original lineup.. but I don't really think him leaving will provide too much impact since like said above, he didn't write shit. It's really up to Mike now whether he can create another kickass album. So it's impossible to count them out yet.
A few things...

First, Mikael writes everything. Consequently, Peter's departure will have minimal impact on the quality of Opeth's future output.

Second, who ends a band because the drummer quit? There are very few drummers who impact a band's sound in a dramatic way. Granted Lopez was an excellent drummer, but I seriously doubt Opeth's next disc will rise or fall based on the strength of the drumming.

Lastly, Opeth's line-up changes will have little to do with their demise. One could argue that they've been on the decline since "Still Life". "Deliverance" was weak, "Damnation" was disappointing and "Ghost Reveries" is chore to get through in one sitting.

Took words out of my mouth on your First statement. Wayyy to early to judge. Personally I cannot wait to hear the new stuff. Opeth has yet to fail me and I have faith they wont either. Mikael posted new blog on Opeth forum that the threadstarter might want to read...
Yeah, I read his blog... he actually posted it on MySpace, then Roadrunner posted it on Blabbermouth, then some random guy posted it on the Opeth forums. :D

I do think Opeth have been going down hill though, and yes - Still Life was probably their best in a creative sense. Axe can't stack up to Lopez and I doubt the new guitarist could really adapt to the Opeth style or play solos like Lindgren did... the guy had what, 16 years of experience with that? The new guy could bring his own stuff to the table but that would be different from what we've come to know with Opeth. At any rate, it's kinda hard to not judge Opeth after their track record with the last couple albums. :(
And just to prove that it's all subjective anyhow, I will AGAIN argue the whole "Still Life is their best" thing. A good album but damn I just don't get the "best" thing.

Mike is talented as hell, and he always surrounds himself with talented people. The new Opeth might sound different or it might not, but you can pretty much bet that the quality will still be above average regardless.
And just to prove that it's all subjective anyhow, I will AGAIN argue the whole "Still Life is their best" thing. A good album but damn I just don't get the "best" thing.

Well I think as well Still Life (and Orchid) are their best, I can argue it, but in the end it's just an opinion I guess.
For the record my favorite album was Deliverance by far.

As Larry said, they are above par to begin with Whatever your favorite albums are. I rememmber when the press came out for ghost (which I still haven't even heard really) But everyone was bashing them just because they changed labels, come on. Give Mike the credit that is due, The man is an amazing musician and would not let Opeth fall by the wayside in any aspect, as it has been his band with high standards since before most people on this board were even listening to metal let alone born.
I remember buying their first US release of Mourningrise in 97 for 18 bucks, and no one knew who they were. When you heard it, it was unlike anything you had ever heard, with quality, all around the package. I guess what I am saying is, They were top notch in 97 when I first heard them, and probably will always remain that way. Have faith in sir mike!
as it has been his band with high standards since before most people on this board were even listening to metal let alone born. Have faith in sir mike![/QUOTE said:
Hear, hear!!!

I've been following them since Blackwater Park, but I'm into metal since "The Number of the Beast" by Maiden! And that one came out even before Metallica's "Kill 'm All", you kids. (haha:kickass: )

I think Opeth is an amazing band and each album has it's own magic. The next one will be superb too :headbang: !!

And look y'all; speaking of the new album, this is hot from the press:
But everyone was bashing them just because they changed labels, come on. Give Mike the credit that is due, The man is an amazing musician and would not let Opeth fall by the wayside in any aspect, as it has been his band with high standards since before most people on this board were even listening to metal let alone born.
Agreed. The criticism they received for the move to Roadrunner was strange. While the "faithful" may have preferred that Opeth return to Candlelight, artists tend to care about a little thing called distribution.

I guess what I am saying is, They were top notch in 97 when I first heard them, and probably will always remain that way. Have faith in sir mike!
While I don't doubt Mikael still has quality music left in him, I doubt much of it will be Metal (which is fine by me).

The guys in Opeth make their living doing this now, so that obviously plays into what kind of record deal they needed to take. Knowing how difficult it is to get the budget to tour, record, etc., it made sense for them to take a deal with Roadrunner. The idea that Roadrunner would "commercialise" or change their sound is utterly ridiculous, and is on the kind of shit that people who don't know anything really about the business would think.

Funny, Antzor, the two cds of Opeth's that I could care the least about are "Still Life" and "Orchid" LOL
"Holocaust on the Moon" - sounds like someone's play on to lineup changes and Opeth band name meaning... smartass bullshit typical of the Opeth forum :lol:
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