So now that Opeth is on its death bed....

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It sounds retarded to me. There are no jews on the moon, at least not that I know of, so a second holocaust there could be non-existent unless it was a holocaust against aliens or something.... Sure, the name is a fake unless Mike stated it himself.

All I can say is, I hope the new guitarist really shreds and is a bigger fan of the metal records. I'd love to hear some more faster ball-busting metal. If they do another Damnation / Ghost Reveries type album, it won't be too interesting.
It sounds retarded to me. There are no jews on the moon, at least not that I know of, so a second holocaust there could be non-existent unless it was a holocaust against aliens or something.... Sure, the name is a fake unless Mike stated it himself.

:OMG: Holocaust doesn't automatically mean "Jews." The word does have meaning, and was around before Hitler. Complete devastation and destruction, usually by fire. Let's not assume the title has Nazi overtones, even if it is a fake.
It sounds retarded to me. There are no jews on the moon, at least not that I know of, so a second holocaust there could be non-existent unless it was a holocaust against aliens or something.... Sure, the name is a fake unless Mike stated it himself.

You really have no idea what either "symbolism" or "metaphor" are, do you? Or, no, i'm sure that when Mikael wrote the line "immemorial fire in their eyes", he meant their eyes were actually on fire. :p
That is absurd man. You haven't heard the new album, yet you already plot their demise?

Man, give it a chance! I don't think anyone should worry just yet. I hate when people do that shit. (not you as much, but those drama queen fucks)

Be patient friend.
Absolutely agreed. Fuck, man the sun will still rise, whether Opeth implodes or not.
Haha, I just saw this on Opeth's board....Mike says regarding the rumor about the new album title...

"No, that's a false rumour.

I have no title for it yet but I'm thinking about "Music inspired by the pink jumpsuit I secretly want to wear". Do you like it?


So....I'm thinking if perhaps I bribe him with some wine and a case of cheeze whiz bottles, maybe we can get him to wear that pink jumpsuit, and then we'll get Nunez to put on the red El Diablo jumpsuit, and we can film them getting drunk together and disco dancing.

One can dream.
Holocaust on the moon?

This is more racist than the redhead who listened to Rammstein

(love you emily)
My proggy friends love Deliverance, even though I hate it. Damnation is probably my favorite album as a whole but...

Maybe I'm the only one, but usually on every Opeth album there's 2-3, sometimes 3-4 songs I listen to. In each album there's something I like... and it's really the difference between albums, because of personnel, musical evolution, whatever, that makes every subsequent album worth listening to in order to find the songs I like. Maybe on Ghost Reveries I dislike half the songs, and half of My Arms, Your Hearse bore me, but the half I do like... I love.

I'll tell you this: even though Morningrise is my favorite of their "metal" albums, the biggest knock on them during the Morningrise / Orchid period is that the sound on the two albums is so similar. Change is a good thing. And their musicianship is just outstanding, and that's one aspect of their discography that improves tremendously on the newer albums. Ghost Reveries is, if anything, an album that definitely is the product of much love and dedication.
Wouldn't the prog fans like "Damnation" moreso, since that was far more mellow and prog-like? "Deliverance" is much more aggressive and heavy in general.

That was the exact same thing that I thought when reading the post.

Deliverance never did much for me. I actually favor Ghost Reveries to that one, which probably isn't too common amongst their fans.
(Though I would not claim to be a fanboy by any stretch of the imagination).
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