So the new EZX is called: (also: Andy Sneap presets etc)

I honestly think it doesnt sound anything out of the ordinary... overheads sound nice... but everything just sounds like typical SD... I dont know, I know everyone is raving because it was Sneap who did the presets... I still hate the kicks on SD though
I think that Andy really proves a point here with his presets; if you know what you're doing, you get a good result. The demo songs sound very Andy Sneap, and IMO sounds just as natural as anything else. Of course you can't have plugs within a VST instrument that blows all other dedicated plugs out of the water, since the CPU would go "bye-bye" and all kids on all forums would go apeshit = bad for business. The presets are simply a starting point and a great way to fire it up when you have an idea that needs to be recorded. And I think they sound really good, natural and live. Simple as that. Well done Andy!

I'm getting it. :)

+1 to this, summed it up how I feel too. Very cool video, awesome to have Sneap involved of course. I wouldn't use a preset for my own mixing but it's still informative to see what the Sneap might do for certain sounds. Mad fucking props to Toontrack for going all the way on this shit, can't wait to see what's next now!

PS great video preset is a replacement for experience. Sneap C4 doesn't teach you how a fucking compressor works does it!
Mebee re-title this thread Toontrack Metal Month or something, will mebee stop people creating dedicated posts for each product.
I wouldn't bash these presets. They are presets for Metal Foundry and therefore anyone can hear the same sound in their project that Andy would hear. It's not like the CLA presets for Waves SSL where you have an EQ set up but who knows what the guitar and keyboard and vocals sounded like on a bare track.
hearing Andys settings on this makes me think ... WOW he uses a lot of verb

Really surprises me how much verb is on that snare and how up front the toms are compared to the rest of the kit.

This is the first Time I have ever heard other then guitar or bass the way Andy approaches his drums in a mix.

Very educational!
I am really unhappy with those sounds. I also wouldn't pay money for presets made by someone who has hardly ever used Superior 2.0, and has no real plans to use it after he crafts some presets. I might think about buying presets from someone who actually uses the product and has tons of experience in it and has thoroughly used the engine and effects. I have respect for Andy, but you could tell from the look on his face in the video he was totally uncomfortable with Superior 2.0. He pretty much said he was totally against everything he was doing by creating the presets, but what the hell... I'm doing it anyway! Very uncomfortable video.