So the new Skyfire...

Death Aflame

voice of dissent
Feb 1, 2004
will it ever get released in this century?

Why is it taking so long to find a deal despite the band having a great reputation for quality music? Also, why is this board dead?

Gums said:
Haha that was such a weak rant!
We've been talking about them not being able to get a label for the last while. Also, the board is the least dead that it's been in years!

Indeed it was late, and I was in a particular lazy mood...
there are so many new albums coming out around this time, i was really hoping theirs would be out around this time too....oh well :Smug:
Being on the inside, a member of the band hooked me up with some advance clippage :hotjump:
Haha. Actually, this shit is even hotter off the press for the new album. It's for the new album after this one.
Gums said:
and post pictures of you destroying stuff

Since we don't have that, here's a picture of me destroying stuff with a plastic sword taken at a school dance last night.

:lol: Pretty good. Looks like you're the center of attention. It's like they made one of those breakdancing circles and you got in the middle and showed your sword moves. I like the guy in the back with the big beard too
Yeah froosch...

You look like you're 30. Easily. :ill: I wouldn't have you around my 16 year old daughter.