So the SOT kids are planning a secession...

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
They're angry because a few of them were banned for trolling after being told repeatedly not to, one of whom hacked UM at one point. Also, Deron made one remove a picture of two gays kissing from his signature. Now, they intend to leave. Fine with me. They want to drag the Dark Tranquillity forum with them, which is not. Any pointers on keeping these fags from taking a paid forum with them?
NoLordy Capone said:
They're angry because a few of them were banned for trolling after being told repeatedly not to, one of whom hacked UM at one point. Also, Deron made one remove a picture of two gays kissing from his signature. Now, they intend to leave. Fine with me. They want to drag the Dark Tranquillity forum with them, which is not. Any pointers on keeping these fags from taking a paid forum with them?
Huh? Who is the SOT?
I saw several got spanked a few days ago, didn't know a secession was in progress.

I dunno, I'm not the biggest fan of the SOT board and associated posters, but I've seen plenty of cross-board wars and they either die down, or a mod steps in when things get really out of control. The RC board had... I think 3 forum wars and everything is hunky dorey, even after one particular bad situation. Let bygones be bygones, or set up a better Ignore User function.
Oh, now I see what you are asking, how to not get the DT forum in trouble.

Just make sure no DT posters go into SOT and reciprocate trouble, Deron seems to only get mad at the cross-forum troublemakers.

Damn! One just did, but showed unity with the SOT kids.

Meh, I give up. Let them go. *Sards*
SOT= Seriously Off-Topic (formerly known as Opeth Off-Topic forum)

Good riddance, I say. GMD>>>>SOT
It was once amusing, but when I go in there every so often now and it's boring. I don't think many of the old regulars are there anymore.

(PS I used to hang out there a lot before finding RC)
That was pretty much where the oldest members (me included, I originally signed on in July 2001) hung out. It was once pretty cool, but was never a fave of mine. Too many bitch threads and people trying to sound smart.
SOT are like the people One of them hacked into the board too and was later banned. They shut the place down after an ex-couple there posted nude pics of each other.

SOTers should go to astb.
You're referring to DE. He was later released, but got banned again this week for trolling again. He's probably not allowed to return this time.
It used to be Darkness Eternal, methinks.

Hello Arch. Sit down, have a drink. Tell us your troubles. I didn't think anyone from SOT would make their way here.
Skimming through some of that dross, I see this stems from the mod removing a pic of two dudes kissing. and the problem is..........?????
DE is hot. Even if he's underage. I loved his website diary thing he used to have. Too bad about him getting banned. :mad:

Arch rules. I read his webdiary too.
If he wasn't such an asshat, he'd still be here. You weren't watching his every post like I had to to an extent.
He's actually quite kind towards me. Or maybe it's just cause he wants to get in my pants. :( :p