So this is Iced Earth huh..

All Iced Earth rules. Although, their self-titled is one of the weakest... there's no way it's above albums like Something Wicked or The Glorious Burden.

Night of the Stormrider and Horror Show are my favorites, though.
Iced In Flames said:
Why doesnt anyone besides me like Dark Saga and Something Wicked?
i like those too, i just got into IE and so im still looking into them, but i have DS and something wicked and Alive in Athens
Gunna have to say something wicked is my favorite, then stormrider. Nothing on horror show really caught me and held on, except for Damian, i could never listen to that cd again and not really care, it just didnt catch me at all. TGB is also awesome, Ghettysburg is good, but a lot of the songs are mediocre. And Barlow and Owens are completly different singers, and i think Barlow is better. His vocal range goes probably a full octave lower then Owens, and when he gets to high pitched shit, it doesnt sound like they are mashing his ballsack with a hammer. But i like owens too, just not as much as Barlow
RebirthInRapture said:
All Iced Earth rules. Although, their self-titled is one of the weakest... there's no way it's above albums like Something Wicked or The Glorious Burden.

Night of the Stormrider and Horror Show are my favorites, though.

Their self title is far from weak.

Your forgetting about songs like Colors, When the Night Falls, The Funeral, Iced Earth, and Written on the Walls?