So what this kids saying is, his parents are rich, and buys him everything. Yeah, ok. If you really have all these things you say you have, take a pic with you standing next to them, with you holding up a sign with your forum name...
aright i will cuz i seriously do give me tommorow to get my cab and make it pink by fri i will have a pic w/ it all and ill put my porsche in the background do u want the na or the turbo ??? im 19 by the way
Since you don't seem to show any effort in caring to make yourself intelligeable, most people won't want to show any effort in caring what you have to say. Just so you know.
If you really are 19 and your parents are still paying for everything, it's gonna hit hard when your off their tab. Im just turned 16 and i pay for everything i own with the exception of rent and food. I pay for my clothes,guitar stuff, this computer, etc.
I'd hate to say it, but i rather have it this way instead of depending on others. No offense dude, but don't be such a damn leech...
ok guys i havent always had cash i know what its like to be poor and ive lived w/ that my parents didnt have money till i was 17. i got my first job wheni was 15 and paid for all of my clothes and needs including rent on my standup bass. i was in orchestra then my dad got a job at EDS and has made his way up the cahin to be one of the managers of his division and makes quite a lot of money once he started making money he started buyin g stuff i had wanted but couldnt ever have cuz we didnt have the cash i know exactly how it was to be in your shoes
you relandscape or youy mow and stuff i have to relandscape w/ my friends to make money like the kinda work you hire people to do plant trees and move big rocks and what not
i'm laughing at this not because of what you meant, but because the phrasing makes it appear that 'work' is something you pay someone else to do. Exactly what I'd expect from a spoiled rich kid