Solid State Head!!!!

76Strat said:
you relandscape or youy mow and stuff i have to relandscape w/ my friends to make money like the kinda work you hire people to do plant trees and move big rocks and what not

I landscaped my entire yard for nothing...
screw working when you can get paid more to do less..... go to school and do it how you should bro
I'm so glad people like you don't rule the world. In "school" I learned grammar and punctuation, which I believe you have yet to show any mastery of. Who pays you? Where do they get money from? What is money? If everyone was paid more to do less, what would get done? Ponder these questions.
There is no reason to be at the bottom of the chain. I get money from running my own business selling vinyl decals that my parenst payed for me to start. Money is an object that is earned and everyone shouldn't be paid to do less there is no reason for you not to be paid to do less.
76Strat said:
There is no reason to be at the bottom of the chain. I get money from running my own business selling vinyl decals that my parenst payed for me to start. Money is an object that is earned and everyone shouldn't be paid to do less there is no reason for you not to be paid to do less.
1. "payed" is spelled "paid" by people who passed high school. I assume "parenst" was supposed to be "parents".
2. I quote you: everyone shouldn't be paid to do less
and then we compare with your next phrase: there is no reason for you not to be paid to do less. These are contradictory. Either you can't make up your mind, you're confusing yourself, or you are implying that YOU should be paid to do less work than me, which implies that you are somehow better than everyone else, which again, is asinine for someone who can't spell correctly.
3. Good luck with your business.
My business makes plenty of money 3000 or so a week of in my pocket cash. I did not say i was better than you people get paid more or less to do different amounts of work. You could make just as much money as me you just have to always be thinking about how to better yourself rather than how to help the person next to you. Not to be a jerk or anything but thats the difference in Bill Gates and Donald Trump and the next guy think about yourself and not everyone else once your at the top help everyone else. And yes i passed highschool im in school studying to be a studio technician and hopefully open my own recording studio. And thank you for the good luck.
well im trying to help you along. take my advice or dont i dont care. its ok im just saying thats how the world works and nice people get walked on.
Sorry, but no ones going to listen to a 19 y.o. about buisness ethics, because you know nothing about it, nor do you understand at all how the world works, period.

And second, you are completely and utterly full of shit, you do not make $144,000 a year selling decals. Thats equal to if not more than what a lot of doctors and lawyers make. And how do you go from "Landscaping" to "making $3,000 a week"? If you made this kind of money, your parents would never have to buy you anything. Not to mention, to run a bussness like that, you would have to employ people to work for you, theres no way you could print thousands and thousands of decals, advertise, sell them, etc...and on top of that you go to school? Umm, no. and have time to hang out in this forum for hours at a time??
Not to mention you would need some sort of brain, which, judging by your posts, you lack. Are you 12?
I landscape my parents house for equipment from them and i am out of school for right now(semester ended friday) i will start back in school in September. My parents take about 2,500 or so out of what i make because they paid for all the equipment leaving me with 500 or so a week. If you knew anything about what i did youd know i dont print anything. And i dont have to employee anyone... I sell a decal for 10 dollars cut it out and weed it it takes me around 5 or so minutes. The cost im in per decal is like 1.00 in materials thats a 9 dollar profit ok so i sell around 300 or so a week thats 2700 dollars i make even more money if i can sell vinyl for the whole side of a car or custom vinyl for a guitar. A car costs around 700 dollars my cost is about 40 dollars. A storefront is around 500-750 my cost is 30-50 i do usually a storefront and 200 or so decals a week. Putting me at 3000 for around 10 hours of work. And how do i use the forum? I can muti-task which is cutting decals with the computer while I use the forum then weed what i cut. No im not 12 im 19.
76Strat said:
well im trying to help you along. take my advice or dont i dont care. its ok im just saying thats how the world works and nice people get walked on.
Nice guys like me have decided to walk on the world instead. :p I agree with Robb, learn economics 101 before you try giving advice.
Up until a certain point in this thread, I would have said lay off the kid, cause coming from a wealthy family and receiving expensive gifts from parents does not automatically make someone somehow less of a person because they didn't work for it. If someone comes from a family that can afford to do that, then more power to them, and I'm not going to judge someone's character based on that, as I do have some friends that are awesome people that just happen to come from a wealthy family.

...and then he posted this:

a job would be managing other people and stuff that makes big $ not doing the work...

And any shred of sympathy I might have had dissapears.
actually I lost all respect when he went from saying this:

"ok guys i havent always had cash i know what its like to be poor and ive lived w/ that my parents didnt have money till i was 17. i got my first job wheni was 15 and paid for all of my clothes and needs including rent on my standup bass. i was in orchestra then my dad got a job at EDS and has made his way up the cahin to be one of the managers of his division and makes quite a lot of money once he started making money he started buyin g stuff i had wanted but couldnt ever have cuz we didnt have the cash i know exactly how it was to be in your shoes"


"why not ?? i pay for a lot of my own stuff just take loans on major gear that i need for a gig or what not."


"and i do yard work to pay for a lot of my stuff i dont just sit here and get nice stuff"

then jumped to this:

"There is no reason to be at the bottom of the chain. I get money from running my own business selling vinyl decals that my parenst payed for me to start. Money is an object that is earned and everyone shouldn't be paid to do less there is no reason for you not to be paid to do less."


"My business makes plenty of money 3000 or so a week of in my pocket cash. I did not say i was better than you people get paid more or less to do different amounts of work. You could make just as much money as me you just have to always be thinking about how to better yourself rather than how to help the person next to you. Not to be a jerk or anything but thats the difference in Bill Gates and Donald Trump and the next guy think about yourself and not everyone else once your at the top help everyone else. And yes i passed highschool im in school studying to be a studio technician and hopefully open my own recording studio. And thank you for the good luck."