Some GOOD Metallica news


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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If you are interested i just got word from a very good source that the new album is titled St. Anger and is due to be released around June 10 in the US. Could things be looking up for the guys?? no word on a Bassist yet though
That title is silly yet makes me interested.

I want angry songs!

I bet this album will be heavy, groove-based, mid paced metal.

And that will be interesting to hear...
I think I read somewhere that Lars said the new Metallica stuff sounds like Meshugga.

I read that he hadn't heard any Meshugga before, and when they were in the studio someone played him some and he was amazed at the similarities.
Lars is a dickhead. I know everyone knows that, but he is. And this tour with Limp Bizkit is bullshit after Lars was putting shit on them all the time (see that thing on Metal Sludge, that explains it).

But f**k it, when Metallica want to, they can be one of the best bands ever, we will just have to see if they get out of their creative rut, which I think they might, im looking forward to it anyway :)
I'm looking very forward to it, as I said in another thread. I think I heard that Messhugah (sp?) coment before, but I also heard another more interesting one, that Kirk said some of the material sounded like 'Entombed', which would f'n rule! :headbang:

I think it will definately be more aggresive than Load/Re-Load, but more mature sounding than the black album....not as anthem-esque. Will have to wait n see I guess. :)
Entombed? Ooh I like the sound of that. As long as its aggressive, no more of this wussy Memory Remains shit, start breaking some f**king heads with heaviness again I say :headbang: :)
My source was that good that the news was released a little latter on the Metallica website its true. Hope they arent gonna pull a GnR and start pushing the date back a week before its due out...fuck GnR :mad:
Yep, and I think because they have had a break for so long and they are under all that pressure that it will be all the better for it :headbang:
I think I agree Spawny. Along with the pressure, all the shit that they have gone through in the last 2 years, and all the criticism they recieve, I think they will bounce back with something agressive. Even thought the title sounds a little cheesey, it shows promise for some more agressive music.

I think Metallica have been unfortunate that they have done a little project that was a change in style, and been canned for it. The Load/Re-Load era was ment to be one album that was a change in style, but all the shit they got caught up in spread it across two albums, and delayed their return to form even longer. The only difference between them doing something different and say Megadeth doing 'Risk' was that there has been over 10 years between the albums on either side of it, where as Megadeth bounced back quicker with TWNAH, so people sorta forgot about it.
But its about the music...I don't give a shit what they look like or how they cut their hair...

I don't think anyone made a mistake, I like all 3 albums (Load, Re-Load and Risk), its just that Metallica haven't bounced back as quickly as other people who do something different that isn't successful.
That sample sounds, for want of a better label, a bit nu-ey. Big, detuned stuff. Granted it is 3 10 second samples in crap quality, but nu-ey none the less. It sounds like it's gonna rock :headbang: