Some of You people are seriously fucking warped in the head

Oct 5, 2003
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Sorry but I read so many of you saying how you think the new Iron Maiden CD "Dance of Death" Sucks and how it let you down etc etc. You are fucking crazy. This is the best Maiden record since 7th son. I don't know how you can't love "Paschundale" "Rainmaker" or "Dance of Death" Those are some of the greatest maiden songs I have heard in probably 15 years. I would only hope that the Iron Maidens would decide to play a few of those songs live.


Maiden is back and better than fuckin ever!
I don't think anyone here has said that it "sucks"...

It is indeed a great record... I like it better than BNW... but I would love to hear what Roy Z (Bruce Dickinson / Halford producer) could do for Maiden... Hey! Roy Z should produce the Maidens tribute record... :D
Roy is probably out of our budget...but yum yum.

I think the new album is beautiful as is BNW...which I love too...different sounding than the early stuff but everthing morphs and grows...just like how things changed so drastically from KILLERS to BEAST and then the more refined sound of PIECE OF MIND...everything is always growing and changing.

I think most of the remarks in this forum about DANCE OF DEATH has been very positive.....right?
Bruce Chickinson said:
I think most of the remarks in this forum about DANCE OF DEATH has been very positive.....right?
Not from me. I said elsewhere: "Having listened to the disc throughout the days, I can say that I am thoroughly unimpressed with the new album with the exception being about 3 tunes and one of those tunes sounds like filler that is only slightly better than standard Iron Maiden filler.

It's still better than Ain't Anger, but not by much.:erk:"

That is my quote from elsewhere in the board. Guess what? I listened to the CD some more after that and you know what?
I still think it sucks!And I still think St. Anger sucks.

I personally think that the best album that Maiden has done since 7th Son...was Brave New World. The main flaw with that record in my opinion was Harris's galloping bass line on 8 of the album's 10 tracks. Sadly, many of the songs on Dance... sound like retreaded versions of older and better songs by Iron Maiden. While the album does have it's shining moments (countable on one hand with some left over, in my opinion), it's still lacking very much in the songwriting department. With any luck, this will not be the trend in the future since Maiden has always managed to come up with some really good material.

If you like the album, enjoy it! Remember, one man's treasure is another man's garbage.
smylex said:
Not from me. I said elsewhere: "Having listened to the disc throughout the days, I can say that I am thoroughly unimpressed with the new album with the exception being about 3 tunes and one of those tunes sounds like filler that is only slightly better than standard Iron Maiden filler.


If you like the album, enjoy it! Remember, one man's treasure is another man's garbage.

Well everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter HOW WRONG AND TWISTED IT IS. hehe just kiddin.

Great album, have really enjoyed it, and found Journeyman to be increadble. Also, keep your ears to the ground.. grape vine says there will be SIX, count em SIX, that's right SIX (had to get it in there 3 times) song from the new album on the up coming tour including: Wildest Dreams, No More Lies, Dance of Death, and Paschendale.

That's it for now (cough cough) I'm off to try to get healthy again...
smylex said:
Not from me. I said elsewhere: "Having listened to the disc throughout the days, I can say that I am thoroughly unimpressed with the new album with the exception being about 3 tunes and one of those tunes sounds like filler that is only slightly better than standard Iron Maiden filler.

It's still better than Ain't Anger, but not by much.:erk:"

That is my quote from elsewhere in the board. Guess what? I listened to the CD some more after that and you know what?
I still think it sucks! And I still think St. Anger sucks.

I personally think that the best album that Maiden has done since 7th Son...was Brave New World. The main flaw with that record in my opinion was Harris's galloping bass line on 8 of the album's 10 tracks. Sadly, many of the songs on Dance... sound like retreaded versions of older and better songs by Iron Maiden. While the album does have it's shining moments (countable on one hand with some left over, in my opinion), it's still lacking very much in the songwriting department. With any luck, this will not be the trend in the future since Maiden has always managed to come up with some really good material.

If you like the album, enjoy it! Remember, one man's treasure is another man's garbage.
Your user title is right, jackass ;) Just kidding, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Anyway, I think Dance Of Death rules. It ties with Powerslave and BNW as my favorite Maiden album. SSOASS is very overrated. Good songs, but nothing too special. Powerslave, BNW, DOD, SIT, and NOTB are better than SSOASS in my opinion.
HobbesDawg said:
Also, keep your ears to the ground.. grape vine says there will be SIX, count em SIX, that's right SIX (had to get it in there 3 times) song from the new album on the up coming tour including: Wildest Dreams, No More Lies, Dance of Death, and Paschendale.
Great! That means more time for me to go get beer and take a piss! :D (IF I go see them this next time around. "Long Beach...bah! :mad: ")
SirLardsAlot said:
Anyway, I think Dance Of Death rules. It ties with Powerslave and BNW as my favorite Maiden album.
OK, who slipped the funky juice into his drink??

Neither DoD or BNW touch Powerslave's immense greatness. Anything past 7th Son is hogwash imho. That was their era of magnificent creativity and it is heard in the way they play on those records. Today's Maiden is trying to capture that fire but it's been dud after dud.

Mi dos centavos.
Darkmatter said:
OK, who slipped the funky juice into his drink??

Neither DoD or BNW touch Powerslave's immense greatness. Anything past 7th Son is hogwash imho. That was their era of magnificent creativity and it is heard in the way they play on those records. Today's Maiden is trying to capture that fire but it's been dud after dud.\\
Keyser Soze said:
I heard that when they toured for the Blaze records, they played between 8 and 10 songs from them

Probably why I didn't buy them. Blecch! :ill:
Okay, the bottom line is that Iron Maiden is not capable of recording a bad album (unless you replace Bruce with a singer who doesn't quite fit & the rest of the band members become uninspired ;) ) because everyone in the band is a very talented and gifted musician.

In my opinion, Dance of Death is Maiden's best effort since Seventh Son.

I just don't understand how someone who considers himself/herself to be an Iron Maiden fan could say any of their music sucks. It's not like Iron Maiden haven't stayed true to their metal roots; they have always maintained the same sound. We already have Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind, and Powerslave; why would we want more albums that sound exactly like them down to the smallest detail?

Bruce and the band must be getting some kind of flak for evolving musically, or else why would he have recently said in concert "We don't want any fair-weather, greatest hits fans who only own Number of the Beast to listen to one or two songs".

I do think this topic would be much better suited for the board since the majority of us here really like Dance of Death. As I said before, on the offical board, there are many very rude, immature comments posted about Iron Maiden and Dance of Death, and with "fans" like them, Maiden certainly doesn't need any enemies.
They lost me as a record buyer after "somewhere in time"... but I went to every tour and remained a fan. But I came back on board for "brave new world"... that is an awesome CD. My 17yr old nephew (newly converted to Maiden-ism) let me spin DoD... once this weekend. I enjoyed it... it's on my Christmas list.

I'm not a fan of the cover art though... still makes me gag.
I would say, for all those who are uninspired by the new Maiden or BNW, be patient and give it some time. I have to say that at the time of release Somewhere In Time and Powerslave were not my favorites. They grew on me with repeated listens. Piece Of Mind stole my heart at once. But... bands do move on or they get stale. I would hate to be a huge fan of a band that is stale and nothing they do progresses. If you can't handle change then shut up and quit showing up here or anywhere. as always, just my opinion. later.
Wraithchild said:
Okay, the bottom line is that Iron Maiden is not capable of recording a bad album (unless you replace Bruce with a singer who doesn't quite fit & the rest of the band members become uninspired ;) ) because everyone in the band is a very talented and gifted musician.

In my opinion, Dance of Death is Maiden's best effort since Seventh Son.

I just don't understand how someone who considers himself/herself to be an Iron Maiden fan could say any of their music sucks. It's not like Iron Maiden haven't stayed true to their metal roots; they have always maintained the same sound. We already have Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind, and Powerslave; why would we want more albums that sound exactly like them down to the smallest detail?

Bruce and the band must be getting some kind of flak for evolving musically, or else why would he have recently said in concert "We don't want any fair-weather, greatest hits fans who only own Number of the Beast to listen to one or two songs".

I do think this topic would be much better suited for the board since the majority of us here really like Dance of Death. As I said before, on the offical board, there are many very rude, immature comments posted about Iron Maiden and Dance of Death, and with "fans" like them, Maiden certainly doesn't need any enemies.
I'll disagree with that. First of all, the quality of an album is subjective as it is music. Whether it is good or not is in the opinion of the listener. Remember, beauty is in the eye (or, in this case, the ear) of the beholder. Yes, there is a lot of talent within the band, but that's not to say that the band isn't capable of producing a bad album. (As an example, Morbid Angel's most recent CD was crap compared to their other efforts (my opinion and the opinion of many others). Does this mean that I'm just going to stop liking them because of one misstep? If that was the case, I would have stopped listening to Kiss a LOOOOONG time ago.)

Am I a fan? Yes. Do I pay for the band's albums? You bet your ass! As such, I don't think that it's too much to ask for an album that doesn't sound like a retread of previous efforts (other people have said that several songs on this album sound like previous material in their reviews. Don't make me go look for those quotes, because you know I'm right). Sure, they've stayed true to their Metal roots and they do have a definable sound, but that doesn't mean that the band can't write material that doesn't differ from what they've done before (Journeyman is a perfect example of stuff that breaks from the Maiden mold and works great as a Maiden tune). I don't want them trying to make Number of the Beast II or Powerslave II, either. My problem with the album is that it doesn't break new ground on 73% of the material and that material sounds like it's stuff that's been done better by them.

There's only 2 albums by the band that I don't have (this may change with a little more income coming in two months), but from the material that I've heard from those albums, I'm not in a rush to buy them. Does this make me a "fairweather, greatest hits" fan with only NOTB in his CD collection? No. It's a misstep, plain and simple. If it were me producing and not Kevin Shirley, I'd sit the band down and tell them that I thought the material was sub-par and to work on new material. When the band comes back to the US in support of Dance of Death and IF I get the opportunity to meet them, I won't have any reservations in telling them that I think the album sucks. (Remember, it's just an opinion. They're grown men, they can handle it. Hell, people have told Gene Simmons the same thing about his music to his face for years. Has he quit yet? Can we get him to quit? Is it possible to stop him? "No," "no," and "I don't know.")

See my previous review about how I feel about this album. I'm not changing it to meet with someone else's opinion about what makes an Iron Maiden fan. :Smug: That kind of conformist crap went out with school, as far as I'm concerned.
Smylex, I wasn't singling you out, but I still cannot comprehend how a true Iron Maiden fan feels any of their work sucks. "Sucks" is a rather harsh word to use when describing music. To most people it means "very low quality musical garbage that is not even worth listening to", and that just doesn't fit any of Iron Maiden's music from a technical standpoint.

Yes, musical taste is subjective, but there is also bad taste in music. I have been on music bulletin boards where some posters honestly felt that rappers, such as Eminem, were far more talented than Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven. Those kind of comments are totally absurd and would make anyone with a little music knowledge ROTF laughing because it just isn't true.

Am I biased towards Iron Maiden? Yes! I agree with the Iron Maidens in describing their music as magical and uplifting. I own over 500 music CDs, but if you put me on a desert island with just the Iron Maiden CD catalog (& a guitar so that I could learn their songs :) ), I would be content. Maiden's music never gets old or boring to me.

But my point is, even if a person totally hated all of Iron Maiden's music, he would have to at least give them credit for their superior musicianship which far exceeds your average dime-a-dozen metal band. There is a difference between Iron Maiden's and, for example, Poison's musical playing ability. Bruce Dickinson is far superior to Brett Michaels as a vocalist, Dave Murray is a far superior to CC DeVille as a guitarist, etc.

That is why I cannot justify saying that Dance of Death sucks. Even if you don't like how it sounds, it is still not trash. Personally, coming from a musical background, I give props to whoever deserves it even if I don't like the music wether it be Mariah Carrey, Kenny G, or the International Silver String Submarine Band. I may not listen to them or like what they do, but I can still appreciate their musical talent and ability.

To say that Dance of Death is inferior to another Maiden album, I can understand, but to flat out say that it sucks, I cannot understand. I am not asking anyone to change their musical tastes on my behalf; these are just my personal feelings on the issue. Hey, just call me Mr. Biased when it comes to Iron Maiden. ;)

smylex said:
I'll disagree with that. First of all, the quality of an album is subjective as it is music. Whether it is good or not is in the opinion of the listener. Remember, beauty is in the eye (or, in this case, the ear) of the beholder.