Some prog/power albums I've been spinning as of late...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
OK here's a bunch of albums I've been listening to lately:

Allen/Lande - The Battle
I heard this once and wrote it off in an instant. It didn't really click with me, and besides, both Jorn Lande and Russell Allen aren't exactly worlds apart so the collaboration turned out to be a little redundant. A few months later, I came back to the album, didn't focus so much on the vocals (which are extraordinary, obviously) and focused more on the songs. I dig! I dig! Some is cheesy, some is plain, but when it works, it works wonders.


Biomechanical - The Empires of the Worlds
Wow. Again, this only hit me until recently. First few listens and I thought it was pretty derivative. Then I gave it a break and came back to, this album smokes. It sounds like Symphony X on death metal steroids, with occasional backing vox/screams by a Rob Halford wannabe. Needs a few listens to appreciate, there is nothing 'instant' about this album. The guitarist is phenomenal. I can't imagine Zod not liking this album.


Gamma Ray - Majestic
Consistently good band, although they'll never reach their peak of "Land of the Free" (which is a 9.5/10 in my book). I was blown away by this album on first try, and it's still going strong. Very good release, better overall than NWO (which itself contains a few all time Ramma Gay classics), much better than Powerplant, and at least as good as Somewhere out in Space (I wish they'd do a few more songs like "The Winged Horse" once in a while, come on Henjo!).


Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys: The Legacy
I just can't get into Andi Deris. He sounds like a fat man on the mic. Some songs are good, others are just bland. Is "Occasion Avenue" supposed to be a spoof on "Acacia Avenue"? Either way, this aint doing nuttin' for me. The fact that "Keeper of the Seven Keys part 2" has kept this band in the limelight is only a testament to that particular masterpiece. Everything since has fallen short, including this lame duck.

I really like that Biomechanical album quite a bit. I've heard the new Helloween sucks, but I'm not a fan and so probably won't ever get around to hearing it myself. Haven't heard the other two.
The Biomechanical came out of nowhere! I threw it on, cranked up the volume, and thought, "ah so this is what an evil Symphony X might sound like". It rules.
gamma ray sealed their fate as forever being dubbed ramma gay by me since they sued josh homme. i hope it pains them.
Allen/Lande - The Battle - I love their voices, but dislike the disc. As we agreed, this is a bad pairing, based on the similarities in their voices. I still need to revisit that song you were talking up.

Biomechanical - The Empires of the Worlds - at first listen, this disc struck me as cluttered and unfocused. However, it also occured to me, that if I spent the time necessary to wrap my mind around this CD, I'd probably love it. I need to give it some spins before year end. By the way, it's astounding how different John K. sounds here and on Balance of Power's "Heathen Machine". On "Heathen Machine" he sounds like the reincarnation of Geoff Tate.

Gamma Ray - Majestic - Kai needs to get someone else to sing. There's some classic Power Metal music on this, but the vocals suck. His voice is only slightly less annoying than James LaBrie's.

Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys - noteven interested in listening to it.

If you wan't true metal of the HIGHEST caliber, look no further than another Greek band Battleroar. Their self-titled is amazing and just put out their newest, Age of Chaos. I should receive it anyday now in the mail from Tim aka Evil Legend. :kickass:

EDIT - This thread CANNOT go by without mentioning Dark Quarterer or Adramelch. :worship:
General Zod said:
Hey Doomcifer,

These bands you've recommended, what genre are we talking? Power/Prog?



Battleroar and Elwing are less prog and more Traditional. Dark Quarterer and Adramelch are all of the above. I'll post mp3's.
Doomcifer is king of the Underground. Any band he mentions, I take note.

1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
Doomcifer is king of the Underground. Any band he mentions, I take note.
absolutely. except all this bullshit trad. metal which i safely avoid. :loco:

edit: yet i keep reading this thread, wtf.
JayK, in case you didn't know, the latest Terrorizer has a power metal special featuring Helloween, Gamma Ray and European pwer metal, as well as the top 20 power metal albums.

Just thought you might be interested.
It might suprise you Doomcifer, but i think that both Battleroar and Elwing are mediocre. On the other hand i totally praise Adramelch and Dark Quarterer. Both were incredibly unique and special (especially for their time).