Some recommendations needed


Dec 30, 2004
I don't usually ask for people to help me find music, but I am stuck. I am looking for music that sounds alot like Agalloch's "The Misshapen Steed" or "Foliorum Viridium" (not the heavier bits) - by this I mean ambient yet highly emotional instrumental music. I can't get enough of those songs, but I'd prefer to hear more. I know alot of people on here listen to Agalloch, and certainly that you are much better informed of this kind of music than your average metal board.
Well I've heard Swallow the Sun before, and despite liking them, I don't think you understand what I'm looking for.
I'll just recommend one or you'll never check them out.

Woods of Ypres.

'Warm' black metal. You should like them if you like Allagoch.
Personally, I like them more than Allagoch.

Edit: Didn't read the instrumental part of your post, try Pelican as well.
No. Find out yourself. What does it matter who they are? :p If you have them to listen to, you have them to listen to. Besides, i'm sure i've mentioned it before if you do a search.

EDIT: if the files are fragmented, redownload it. There are 3 zip files that are perfectly fine. Maybe the transfer stopped or something, but there is no error in the files on my site.
affinityband said:
I think some of you guys may enjoy Godspeedyoublackemperor

I certainly do. Sigur Ros, Explosions in the Sky are also worth while... And Pelican is simialr to those in alot of ways, except heavier and with a very Isis-like sound.

Sorry i have no idea about Agalloch (i'll check them out now), but the above bands are all good intrumental bands
if you like the misshapen steed....then check out a band called "Dargaard". Medieval darkwave act, very similar. But female vocals too which are quite nice. I recommend the "eternity rites" album, as well as "in nomine aeturnitatis". aka dont listen to these fools.
^ I checked some samples of them. Good recommendation.

They are like a more down-beat Dead Can Dance.

"aka dont listen to these fools." - wth did that mean?