some recordings I made

Life Sucks

and then you die
Dec 30, 2002
Die bitch die!!!!!
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The first one (called Trying to Kill Me) is NOT metal. I'm helping out a friend by playing guitar for his musical project. It's kinda techno/electro. But I made the guitar riffs as metal as possible. I just play guitar on that, and nothing else. I wonder how my metalish riffs will go over when we play live. The other two tracks I recorded some seven years ago. Mind you, it is NOT death metal (which is probably what you would assume, given my current musical taste), but rather thrash with lots of hardcore influence, since I was really into metalcore at the time I recorded them. Track 2 (the one that is 12.88 mb) is by far the best of the three, IMO. Oh, and don't mind my horrible hardcore-ish vocals. I'm a guitarist, not a vocalist.
OK, let's see how it goes. By the way, I tried d/ling the second track, but it didn't work...about to try again.

OK, now it is.
See how it goes? Afraid it'll get spammed by newbies? C'mon, Life Sux is a mainstay of this place for the last 3-4 years. I'm sure the locals are more interested in his music than say, some random on the self-promotions forum.
Alright now that second song has more of a hardcore vibe due to the vocals, change-ups, etc. It still sounds like black metal due to the production and tone...I quite like some of the verse riffs!
I do hear a bit of a black metal vibe to that second track, but the vocals kinda kill it. Couple of those riffs would go down quite well tremolo picked, with maybe another guitar or a solid bass backing it. It's quite spacious, feels like it would benefit greatly from a few more layers of sound.
I posted it here because this is the only forum I post in, where people know me. I'm not trying to sell any of my music or anything, so it's not exactly promtion. I finally got those two old tracks converted to digital files from an old 4 track recording, so I thought I'd share it. And the current track from my friends band I find interesting in that I'm playing metal riffs to his techo/electronica music.
Not enough of the locals make music to make a sticky worthwhile. But if this kind of thing pops up every couple of months, I doubt anyone will object.