Some thoughts about Reroute to Remain


New Metal Member
Aug 7, 2002
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
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Like many others, I was quick to bash this album when I first heard some of the mp3's. Songs like Metaphor, for lack of a better word, sickened me. I just got the album in the mail a few days ago, and at first listen, I had the same feeling as the first time I heard the mp3's. But as I continued to listen to it, I realized a few things. First off, the album really isn't as bad as everyone thought. Yes, Ander's goes in a completely different directions, there's more keyboards, and the songs are much shorter. However, the guitar work, minus solos, is up there with any thing they've ever done in the past. The melodies are great, and some parts even remind me of the Whoracle album. I would have changed a lot about this album if I were them, but as it stands now, I think it can be considered a good album. I like most, was skeptical at first, but more listens gave me a new appreciation for it.
I think Anders' vox are the biggest problem. The hear the song, its good, then Anders comes in and it loses something. Mind you the songs are still pretty good but Anders does ruin it(for lack of a bette term) a bit.

Does everyone remember when Anders did death vox? That was

They should get the guy from Dimension Zero to replace Anders. That would fucking rock.