someone leaked tge on soulseek

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
its definately already on soulseek. 3 people have it. its weird, in the beginning of psychotic intellectual narcotic, theres a voice that says this is nevermore, then the name of the song, from this godless endeavor century media records.
Starwind85 said:
I'll stay away from the leak... I just want a song or 2 for starters and then I'll hold off for the rest.

Yeah right..."bet you can't eat just ONE"!
yeh, have a little respect. if you download it early, at least have the decency to lie and pretend you took the moral high ground and scold anyone who posts about how they got the new album on soulseek or napster or whatever it is you kids use these days. i mean GEEZ!
neal said:
yeh, have a little respect. if you download it early, at least have the decency to lie and pretend you took the moral high ground and scold anyone who posts about how they got the new album on soulseek or napster or whatever it is you kids use these days. i mean GEEZ!

^:rolleyes: *nods*
deathstrike from hell said:
its definately already on soulseek. 3 people have it. its weird, in the beginning of psychotic intellectual narcotic, theres a voice that says this is nevermore, then the name of the song, from this godless endeavor century media records.

Sipping from the leak is just as bad, imo.
Thanks but no.. i'll wait.
leaks are never worth the trouble...besides i can wait...i want to be totally surprised! (besides they are playing here in CA three days before the release date anyway)