someone recomend some bands with good vocalists.

I love all kinds of music, metal, blues, rock, hard rock, country, reggae, And I also enjoy power metal but can't find any because the closest I've gotten to power metal is Anthrax-Fist full of metal, Any Judas Preist, Nocturnal Rites, Metal Church, Blind Guardian, and Steel Prophet. These are the vocal type that I love to listen to the most. Can any one send me a list of bands? and possibaly a list of bands that are the same style and sound of the Anthrax-Fist full of metal. I would be completely greatfull, later-RJAIII-
Symphony X, Dream Theater, Stratovarius, Control Denied, Iced Earth, Nightwish, Nevermore, Evergrey, Pain of Salvation, Green Carnation, Winds.
Virgin Steele
Viscious Rumors
Gamma Ray
Running Wild
Mystic Force
Manowar....if that's your kind of thing...

If you like Steel Prophet, I'd suggest some early Fates Warning (pre "No Exit").

Shit...that's all I've got for now, man...I'm sure I'll think of some more later.
Barth Vader said:
Virgin Steele
Viscious Rumors
Gamma Ray
Running Wild
Mystic Force
Manowar....if that's your kind of thing...

If you like Steel Prophet, I'd suggest some early Fates Warning (pre "No Exit").

Shit...that's all I've got for now, man...I'm sure I'll think of some more later.
Yeah, I like manowar too, the only thing I don't like about them is they Are idots on stage and are annoying to watch. Thanks, man.-RJAIII-
You know...I forgot to mention my all-time fave band, Queensryche.

I think you'd really appreciate Geoff, especially very early stuff. (You probably won't like the newer stuff, only hopelessly indoctrinated fanboys like me enjoy that stuff)
Barth Vader said:
You know...I forgot to mention my all-time fave band, Queensryche.

I think you'd really appreciate Geoff, especially very early stuff. (You probably won't like the newer stuff, only hopelessly indoctrinated fanboys like me enjoy that stuff)
Barth vader...that's some funny shit how ddid you think of Barth vader, I like that. Oh yeah, I too like Qeensryche but I have yet to hear the new stuff, I'll check into that. Thanks, later,-RJAIII-