Someone said this to me about Dragonforce...

steelreign said:
I dunno - I mean, I am a lifelong advocate of thrash and speed metal, but DF come off, to me, as just a novelty and rather cheesy.

See what I just said?

steelreign said:
Oh, and one more thing.... please don't book them at PP!

Glenn already agreed that they must play ProgPower one day. I support his will to bring the band and slay everybody in the crowd!:headbang:
Matt Crooks said:
Of course, they play that fast because they record their parts at a slower speed, and then play them back at a faster tempo in the studio...

But... don't they play that fast live?
AngraRULES said:
People should stop taking them seriously with their music. They're all about having fun!
Well, I don't think anyone is debating whether their music should be taken seriously. After all, the name of the band is DragonForce.

If I saw them live, I'd probably be totally into them. But on disc, I find myself reaching for something else two tracks in. As I always say, to each their own.

Michael TEOF said:
That's bogus Mr. Zod. Dragonforce do play at more than one tempo plenty of times. It's just when they do decide to play fast, they play faster than anyone else (including death/black metal). And the fact they can play faster than anyone else is what they're known for... hence people who don't like their music claim it's all one tempo which is a load of crap.

Dragonforce play at many more tempos than most bands including most metal bands, and that's what sets them apart.

The Michael

Im sorry but they do not play the faster than anybody. Though i dont agree with mr. zod about the tempo's, i surely do not agree with you. Listen to some CRYPTOPSY, DYING FETUS, or HATE ETERNAL. Check out FLO MOUNIER extreme metal drumming 101 dvd. Or KEVIN TALLEY, if it wasnt for his attitude maybe he could stay in one band, currently filling in for diff. bands after leaving CHIMIARA, but his best work is def. in DYING FETUS.

I will def. be checking out DRAGONFORCE at the NEMHF, as i am new to this band.
Bryan316 said:
There's a difference between playing fast, and playing something challenging fast.

I saw Hate Eternal. Nowhere near as shredalicious as DF.

True, although DF's drummer can't carry Roddy's jockstrap, at least from what I've heard - not that he's bad, just that Roddy's that good. HE is pretty boring, though, despite being excellent players. Composition is important. (Of course, that's one of the things I don't like about DF, either - I think their writing is rather weak.)
Bryan316 said:
Weak, or cheesy and cliched? I kinda dig their songwriting, but they certainly have a predictable formula.

To me, there's not much difference - to rely totally on the formula is to be a weak writer. Kamelot uses the same general types of cheese and writes much better songs, since they don't rely on the formula to do their work for them, IMO.
Bryan316 said:
Hmm.... okay... yeah cuz you can have all the cheese in the world. As long as you've got lots of different flavors, everyone's satisfied, right?

Exactly. I don't have a problem with DF existing - or being popular - but I like people to know why I don't like something, instead of just saying "that band sucks, man."

This thread has gone all over the place, yet stayed on-topic. Pretty cool.
Bryan316 said:
But I'd thrash myself silly if they came to Progpower. And in May, I plan on crippling myself at their show in Cleveland!

hmm... Cleveland? and people are coming? perhaps I'll make an appearance... the main reason I hardly ever go to shows here is because I don't know anyone, and there's really never anyone here worth talking to (and believe me, I've tried)... the metal scene sucks around here for the most part, and the audiences are no better. We could use some visitors. :)

not that I'm any kind of Dragonforce fan, but I have to admit I've only listened to them once. It could be a pretty fun night!
I'll tell ya right now that it's a studio track layered and synched with a live performance video. Too much mastering, not enough crowd noise, and where is that backup guitar part coming from when they're doing the harmony part in the beginning?

Clean or not, nobody will probably be able to tell. If they have enough money to travel overseas, they have enough money to get a soundguy to mix them to make them sound good. That having been said, I think they'd probably play clean live anyway.