'Something good happened today' <--You? Post here!

@idari: well, i'm pretty sure that peeing into a bottle does not require the insertion of the subject's penis in said bottle. that would be outrageously dangerous. :lol:
*Also Struggling*... I went to the cinema, Me and my girlfriend cuddled on my concrete drive for about half an hour, then threw rocks down my drive trying to make them land in a specific paving square.

I also found the Rusty Cooley Website... Fookin fantastic guitarist.

Not bad to say I was struggling.

Now Im tired :zzz:
hyena said:
@idari: well, i'm pretty sure that peeing into a bottle does not require the insertion of the subject's penis in said bottle. that would be outrageously dangerous. :lol:
Shhh. He has a small penis. End. :p

Something good that happened today must be that i don't have a hangover even though i very much should :p
I found the Of Chaos and Eternal Night MCD in a shop yesterday. I bought it for &#8364;2.50 :cool: Now I own all original DT albums besides Skydancer first edition.
idari said:
OMG *SO JEALOUS* Alysha's rabbit? At your place? IN YOUR ROOM? IN BED?! :'(
Yep. They're going to Brazil, we get to look after Buttercup (I might call her something else while she's here, ahem). But knowing my parents, she won't actually be allowed in the house. :rolleyes: Still, better than anything I've had before, so I can't really complain. Too much.
Yep, probably. Not a lot I can do about it though. I think at Ken's they haven't even got enough space for the hutch inside anyway. And you know what my parents are like, even though there's loads of room in here. Although I'm sure I'll sneak her inside occasionally.
Yes you can do something about it. You're going to sit outside with her for 24 hours a day :mad: Or pay for my flight tickets and i'll come there to do it. And feed her good fresh grass and carrots and cucumber and apples and stuff. And get her a lead and take her for a walk. These are orders btw, not advice.
Well yeah, I'll do that. I meant there's nothing I can do about her being left outside. Although it's tempting to rob a bank and pay for more flight tickets.
*sigh* I know. It's more dad than mum though, not that it really matters.

EDIT: Oh yeah, this is the good thing thread. Erm... the roast potatoes at dinner were really nice.