Something scary happened, must share by makeing a new thread.


Thank you for noticing.
Dec 18, 2006
New york, USA
Mind you, i'm in North Carolina visiting my parents....:erk:

I met this girl, needed a Jimmy hat so we could swap gravy all night. After not finding a fucking gas station that sells them I start my story.
This evening around 8 or so i pull into a Florida Grocery parking lot. It's some shit ass grocery store in the middle of Greensboro's ghetto. (I mean like, real poor underdeveloped ghetto, you know where i'm going.)
Man, the second i get into this shady parking lot a black guy runs towards my car waving in his direction (he looked like a truly cracked out Dave chappelle. Luckily my doors were locked) I stop for some reason, and the fucken idiot starts talking to me through the opening in the window looking around the inside of my car asking me what i'm up to and shit all the while TRYING TO GET IN MY CAR, the fucken guy was tugging on the door handle. He blew smoke into my car and asked me if i was there to buy some green! ... ... ... I tell him to get the fuck back, i'm the last person you'd want to ask that to. He looks at me and is like "o you a cop or something" I just nod, LOL He's like sketchin out now lookin side to side with just his eyes and he tells me to have a good evening or whatever and i blast off. I weave through the fucken 3 6 mafia or whatever they are, Hwhip out my cell phone and call the 5-0. The lesson is, safe sex can get you killed. Don't talk to strangers, or stop for people who wave. I honestly should have ran him over, but he got so close to my car that i had to stop or he would have been under my jeep and squashed drug dealers can be messy.

By the way, the 911 operator and I laughed during the process of me describing this guy.
haha,but thank god he didnt have a gun when you said you where the 5 0 cause when they think your a cop and they feel like they are in aot of trouble they just take things into their own hands with their piece
Mind you, i'm in North Carolina visiting my parents....:erk:

I met this girl, needed a Jimmy hat so we could swap gravy all night. After not finding a fucking gas station that sells them I start my story.
This evening around 8 or so i pull into a Florida Grocery parking lot. It's some shit ass grocery store in the middle of Greensboro's ghetto. (I mean like, real poor underdeveloped ghetto, you know where i'm going.)
Man, the second i get into this shady parking lot a black guy runs towards my car waving in his direction (he looked like a truly cracked out Dave chappelle. Luckily my doors were locked) I stop for some reason, and the fucken idiot starts talking to me through the opening in the window looking around the inside of my car asking me what i'm up to and shit all the while TRYING TO GET IN MY CAR, the fucken guy was tugging on the door handle. He blew smoke into my car and asked me if i was there to buy some green! ... ... ... I tell him to get the fuck back, i'm the last person you'd want to ask that to. He looks at me and is like "o you a cop or something" I just nod, LOL He's like sketchin out now lookin side to side with just his eyes and he tells me to have a good evening or whatever and i blast off. I weave through the fucken 3 6 mafia or whatever they are, Hwhip out my cell phone and call the 5-0. The lesson is, safe sex can get you killed. Don't talk to strangers, or stop for people who wave. I honestly should have ran him over, but he got so close to my car that i had to stop or he would have been under my jeep and squashed drug dealers can be messy.

By the way, the 911 operator and I laughed during the process of me describing this guy.

Dude my hatred for stupid black people was multiplied infinity yesterday. My hatred for America (which was non-existent) also got bumped up a few notches.
^The further south you go, the more you will dislike America. Never mind the further West you go, holy shit.

I guess if i was high or i still smoked i would have been laughing at the mother fucker but i was in no mood to be harassed by some babies daddy.
good, cause if you didn't, i would have banned you for your lack of WIN.