Something that pisses me off


Nov 19, 2001
People who think it's cool to come from a troubled pass. The people that come to my mind are most Korn fans. They all think because Jonathan Davis' life was bad then it must be cool. They make up shit like "Oh, my dad abused me when I was nine" I mean, some of them may be telling the truth, but alot of them it's obviously not, and it sounds like they might as well just change their name for Jonathan's and use the same story. It's not just Korn fans, it's like it's trendy now to come from a bad home or something.
That's the problem with most mainstream music now - troubled pasts - bad lives. Kind of sick of it - and yes, it seems to be the "in" thing right now.
I know what you mean.

I come from a very uh... strange home. But i don't go around telling everyone about it.
Excactly, for those who actually DID have bad childhoods, it's not excactly a cool thing.
exactly my point.

...But why is it cool though? I don't really understand. Wouldn't it be better to say how AWESOME your childhood was and that your parents were really cool??

I think it's because most of the "hip" bands right now have at least one member who had (or claims to have had) a bad childhood. So people want to relate to them, I guess. I don't get it though. I'd rather have an excellent childhood.
The worst memory I have of my childhood is when my brother and I were playing with out action figures, and he had them all over the living room and kitchen floor. My mom got mad at the mess and started throwing them into the tupperware, then she tripped on my crashdummy car and swore at it and slid it across the floor, it rammed into the stove and broke, my brother and I started crying because she was yelling really loudly. That's the worst thing I can remember, just to show you how easy my childhood was, guess i'm not cool :loco:
Yeah, Oyo, you're so not happening.

But I can see why that would be scary for a kid. I just pictured my mom doing that, it was funny in my head.
...Anyway, what does childhood matter? It is past.

If someone is so hung-up on their past, and the mistakes they made, then they really deserve NO respect what so ever. Every mistake i have made, i have learnt from, and i have made up for.

There is no past... There is no future... There is only NOW.
One time in 5th grade... gosh... this is hard for me to say... *deep breath*... wow... I don't know if I can get it out... I... uh... well... I... my father... he... kinda... well... bought me some ice cream... UGG I got it out... WOW IT FEELS SO GOOD!! I'm SO HIP AND WITH IT... GIMMIE SOME CANDY!!!!
I don't get it either.

Me and my family have a terrible history of emotional neglect and stuff, but I don't think it's a "cool" thing. It's something I regret and then put behind me in favor of trying to live a better life.

I think people revel in troubled pasts because it make them feel like they have experience and maturity, and they think they're somehow cooler than other people because other people "can't understand their pain" or some rubbish like that.

It's all one big ego trip to them.
i think they are looking for some sort of sympathy. fuck'em, deal with life, i dont care to know if there daddy beat them or not or that they had a hard life. not that its a funny thing at all, but dont whine and brag about it to other people. they dont wanna hear about it.
Oyo, that joke was great.

Hmmmmmm.......I wonder if this thread is intellectual enough for Morningrise?