Sonata Arctica VS DragonForce

Which do you prefer?

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SA does sound pretty cool... but then, so do lots of bands of the similar style. DF are maybe not as good with the songcrafting, but at least they stand out by sheer speed. Plus their stage presence is pretty good. DF for me.
I dont understand, why hate them. Sure their latest album was pretty shit, atleast for me, but they're getting alot of people into metal. Sonata wouldnt pull as many youngens as DF did. And about Tony's singing, the live stuff ive heard is crap, he's got a good voice, but he doesnt put any power into it for me. I like ZP's power metal type vocals heaps better, both on album and live. But in saying this, Tony's vocals suit Sonata. But altogether i think i would prefer DF. I've heard most of Sonata's stuff, Ecliptica is fucking gun. But my vote is for DF, i changed my mind.
wow alright then... i have to say Tony's vox slay... and his keyboard playing is just phenomenal, some of the best i have ever heard, especially off Ecliptica. I do like DF but Inhuman rampage was abit :erk: for me, although Sonic Firestorm was :Smokin:
I dont understand, why hate them.

Because I can.

Sure their latest album was pretty shit, atleast for me, but they're getting alot of people into metal. Sonata wouldnt pull as many youngens as DF did.

All of their albums are shit. They only have one decent song in my opinion, that would be My Spirit Carries On or some shit. Heck, I even own that album (not downloaded) and I hate it and can't remember song names. So boring. (I downloaded their others to see if I would like them, but I didn't, not even after a few listens of each.)

As for "pulling in youngens" maybe SA wouldn't pull as many because they aren't marketed as heavily by a huge label like RoadRubberz records, therefore they aren't seen as "cool" or "z0mg" by the young kids, even though most people here or who are into metal in general would agree that SA pwn Dragoncock any day in sheer songwriting brilliance and musicianship. :)

DC ftl.
Ah well, to most of us in the world its not about songwriting brilliance, its about the final sound. Thats why i cant get into bands like Dream Theater, because its so fucking boring. Dragonforce is your ur face, intense, speedy, dream theater (i have listened to a chunk of their stuff) are more fucking slower, solo after solo or whatever the fuck they do, theres nothing for a non muscian to cling on to. Most of us are just looking for something that is catchy and sounds good.

But anyway, each to their own.
James Labrie is one of my favourite singers ever (at his best that is eg - Live at the Marquee... one of the greatest vocal performances of all time in metal imo). I love his vocals on Human Equation, Awake, Images and Words, and the Score dvd too.
Labrie is excellent. Dream Theater are excellent. I can't be bothered elaborating. Prog is good. Straightforward stuff is also good.
Ah well, to most of us in the world its not about songwriting brilliance, its about the final sound. Thats why i cant get into bands like Dream Theater, because its so fucking boring. Dragonforce is your ur face, intense, speedy, dream theater (i have listened to a chunk of their stuff) are more fucking slower, solo after solo or whatever the fuck they do, theres nothing for a non muscian to cling on to. Most of us are just looking for something that is catchy and sounds good.

But anyway, each to their own.

Dragonforce get boring also................

The keyboardist sounds like hes playing Nintendo in the background:lol:
You need a hug Scott. You are so full of hate.

I love you Shane.

And Stormster, I'm not here to start an argument man, but musically and "final sound"-wise Dream Theater rape Dragonforce 10 times over then still have time to blow a load of musical wank on their face after all of the good bits (melody, rhythm, catchy elements) have been laid down in the rape session.

I don't see how Dream Theater isn't straight-forward though. My sister listens to Rap, Hiphop, Punk, Emo, anything "cool" and she loves a lot of Dream Theater.
Ah well, to most of us in the world its not about songwriting brilliance, its about the final sound. Thats why i cant get into bands like Dream Theater, because its so fucking boring. Dragonforce is your ur face, intense, speedy, dream theater (i have listened to a chunk of their stuff) are more fucking slower, solo after solo or whatever the fuck they do, theres nothing for a non muscian to cling on to. Most of us are just looking for something that is catchy and sounds good.

But anyway, each to their own.

Im new to the UMF and i was checking some forums of my fav bands and i came across this and thought wtf.Man you cant honestly be serious about that comment. WTF, HOW ARE DT BORING ?, what are you fucking remedial ?.The reason why people listen to DT is because they are in fact not boring, their is always something going on and the fact that they are PROGRESSIVE METAL/HARD ROCK GODFARTHERS doesnt mean anything to you?, if u dnt like progressive music because its boring, then what the fuck are you doing on a progressive metal band forum.Seriously did u think at all about this comment, DT have released 13 albums and another one coming and each album is different and awsome, how many albums have DF released,nothing compared to DT, listen to Train of Thought and i think u will get ur balls ripped off and you tell me if its catchy enough, Mr teen sensation.

p.s i voted for SA, cause as my fellow forumers refer to it Dragoncock are shit
Im new to the UMF and i was checking some forums of my fav bands and i came across this and thought wtf.Man you cant honestly be serious about that comment. WTF, HOW ARE DT BORING ?, what are you fucking remedial ?.The reason why people listen to DT is because they are in fact not boring, their is always something going on and the fact that they are PROGRESSIVE METAL/HARD ROCK GODFARTHERS doesnt mean anything to you?, if u dnt like progressive music because its boring, then what the fuck are you doing on a progressive metal band forum.Seriously did u think at all about this comment, DT have released 13 albums and another one coming and each album is different and awsome, how many albums have DF released,nothing compared to DT, listen to Train of Thought and i think u will get ur balls ripped off and you tell me if its catchy enough, Mr teen sensation.

p.s i voted for SA, cause as my fellow forumers refer to it Dragoncock are shit

Brilliant first post , man . I owe you a beer:kickass:

PS. Your banned:lol: :lol: