Song meanings

I think that ThereIn is more or less about the beauty, if you can call it that way, of the opposites and the result you get when two opposites merge together. There are are numerous examples in the lyrics, especially in the first verse.

gentle storm | thundering silence
inferior force | uncontrolled calm
vital unlife | logic / chaos / logic

as it seems to me the whole structure of the verse is symmetric and maybe that means something.
My understanding is that beauty actually lies within the everchanging (can i use that word like that? ) of things. The everchanging border of chaos and order for example, is what sets the normality.
UndoControl said:
Hence "What's to become of me?". But he only mentions it that one time, which makes me think that it's more about being scared of death than about a new beginning. And i don't see other new beginning elements anywhere. What do you say?

Well, i guess that your interpretation of the lyrics makes perfect sense, but i see it from a different perspective.
Maybe the song is about beeing in a state that used to work for you, like for example a relationship but now it lost it's magic (if you can call it that way) and you are afraid to move on becouse you are afraid of what will be since you are so used to that state of co-exsistance. On the other hand you know that you will eventually have to do so and you know that something good may come out of the change - "Everything I want is in the end of this
Everything I need will be the end of me" but you are also aware of the price you will have to pay and the pain that will certanly be there.
I think that this makes sense too :)
But what do you make of
as there were no witnesses
there was nothing to be told
as nothing could be grasped

then? It doesnt make sense if the song were about a relation or something similar. I dont see much sense in the 2 opposites, because to me, your opposites sound like different sides to the same thing to me.

gentle storm | thundering silence
inferior force | uncontrolled calm

To me, all this describes the same thing, not 2 opposites. "Gentle" could mean "silent", so we have a silent storm and thundering silence
You don't expect a storm to be gentle and the silence to be thundering do you? And gentle or silent as you call it IS the opposite of thundering. By deffinition opposite is something that is contrary to another thing and as i see it vitallity and unlife are contrary " Vital|Unlife"

I don't pretend to correctly understand the lyrics, for me the song is about the creation of something and it's existance on the borders of opposing forces.
Hm ok now I get it. I just dont see where it's going, or where it's significant in a way you'd make a song about it
I guess those pairs should be labelled as oxymorons, rather than opposites, and if, then as opposite oxymorons (gentle storm is an opposite oxymoron to thundering silence). So we have a nice combination of opposing opposites. I think this song is only a huge beautiful metaphor on life and artistic expression (which could mean the same in this case).

Is there really "vital unlife"? Because I find "vital unlike" all over the web, and I dont have the cd here to check.
Cuthalion said:
I think that ThereIn is more or less about the beauty, if you can call it that way, of the opposites and the result you get when two opposites merge together. There are are numerous examples in the lyrics, especially in the first verse.

gentle storm | thundering silence
inferior force | uncontrolled calm
vital unlife | logic / chaos / logic

as it seems to me the whole structure of the verse is symmetric and maybe that means something.
My understanding is that beauty actually lies within the everchanging (can i use that word like that? ) of things. The everchanging border of chaos and order for example, is what sets the normality.
Interesting (especially the part about the verses being symmetrical). Care to elaborate?

Marek said:
I think [Therein] is only a huge beautiful metaphor on life and artistic expression (which could mean the same in this case).
I can see where you're going, but what do you make of the chorus and
As there were no witnesses
There was nothing to be told
As nothing could be grasped
The story could unfold
Superimposed on the elements of anger
Hate, despair, remorse
So break from all that fear holds fast
Exposed, now turn to all you lack
Let echoes be the answers
Return from all the screams
Wordless now the last attack
So silent it hurts to listen



Cuthalion said:
Maybe [My negation] is about beeing in a state that used to work for you, like for example a relationship but now it lost it's magic (if you can call it that way) and you are afraid to move on becouse you are afraid of what will be since you are so used to that state of co-exsistance. On the other hand you know that you will eventually have to do so and you know that something good may come out of the change - "Everything I want is in the end of this
Everything I need will be the end of me" but you are also aware of the price you will have to pay and the pain that will certanly be there.
I think that this makes sense too
Yes, it could be, now that i read the lyrics again with that in mind. Again, it would be nice if you gave us a bit of line-by-line analysis or something. If you want, of course. :)


DTranquillity said:
what one thought lyrics means?
Judith said:
yeah, thats what we are discussing here.
DTranquillity said:
thats ur welcome to the new members? :rolleyes:

:lol: That was how I understood your sentence :blush:

Maybe you could just have explained a little more what you wanted to say, or write the sentence in a more elaborate way :p

Anyway, welcome here :)
Dark_Silence said:
:lol: That was how I understood your sentence :blush:

Maybe you could just have explained a little more what you wanted to say, or write the sentence in a more elaborate way :p

Anyway, welcome here :)
thanks, ill try to explain better the next time :goggly:
You'll see we're really all nice people.. but we're a bit picky about grammar and those things. Posts that nearly dont make any sense at all are complete no-no's. Other than that, we're harmless :p
Well, except Plintus, he's gonna sneak up behind you and.. well, you get the idea..
Well, here you go. I couldn't concentrate on the lyrics as much as when i wrote my My negation analysis, but it's what i could come up with (and i don't think it's too bad).

One thought

One thought is about how the media have turned all humanity into robots, into mindless people who think alike, act alike, dress alike and basically do everything alike. It is a song about how people do not think for themselves anymore, but rather are told how to think; a song about how we are all the same, slaves to society, walking things that act automatically and have synthetic "feelings"; a song about how we are being controlled and we don't even realize it. There appears to be some hope (or, rather, a call to arms) for people to break free from the grip media and society have on them (One thought bringing it down; Scream a little louder; Punch another hole through media; Switch it off; Brace for impact; It's time to turn it off).

Verse-by-verse analysis:

Insufficient facts
Make up for a frail foundation

The media tell us the least possible (while making it look like they are telling us everything and allowing us to be connected with the rest of the world); they keep us in ignorance. The best way to control a large group of people, as proven countless times in history, is to keep that group in a state of complete ignorance: to maintain them as mindless slaves who do not question anything or wonder about a better existence. But this "foundation" of politics is frail and must eventually crumble, which happens when one of the controlled, especially someone with the power to move others, can see the truth of existence.

Breeding the obscene
Said method of controlling people creates societies which could be seen as decadent or "obscene".

For the opinion customized
The media and society shape today the way we act, talk and even think; thus, we have a "customized opinion", our opinions are others' opinions.

Insight null and substance void
Upon these wheels our world will roll

By turning everyone into a clone of everyone else, they take away our "substance", what makes us unique and human. As globalization enables such clone-creating powers to influence the whole world, our world will "roll upon these wheels".

Let it be decided
Let it be decided
Who will take the blame?

These verses could be "Let it be decided / Who will take the blame?" or "Let it be decided who will take the blame". The first possibility says "let it be decided [whether the world will live and end like this or not]" and then asks who is to blame for that fate. The second possibility, on the other hand, hints at a situation in which someone (or someones) (perhaps chosen randomly, perhaps chosen based on criteria determined by those in power, perhaps even chosen by society) will be blamed for the aforementioned situation, another example of behavior created instead of developed.

Another soul to drain
Another person to be drained of their soul and turned into a clone.

What is it that we see?
What is it that we see?

What is the world coming to? / What is this?

One thought bringing it down
One thought, one realization of the way humanity is enslaved, could bring the whole system down, or perhaps the original thought of globalizing the world (i.e. creating mass-communication media) has brought it (the world) down. The second interpretation makes the following verse have more sense:

Original sinners
This is a mention of the people who originally "sinned" (came up with the concept of a world where everyone could be in touch with everyone, which is, in the end, what created the necessary circumstances for the stupidization/equalization of people to take place).

One thought bringing it down

Switch it off

Either switch this control/situation off or switch the media off [to end with this].

Has it come to this
Enjoying things by proxy?

Has it come to this, feeling for others? In a world where we all think and are the same, we all feel the same as well. Thus, we feel things for others / the same as others ("enjoying things by proxy").

Live through others
Again, we are living for/through others. Also, our lives all revolve around the lives of a few "important" people, and we all know everything about each-other.

Die just like the rest
In the end, we all die the same --slaves without a mind of our own-- and we all end up in the same place (cemeteries, common graves), all of us having been unimportant in our lives. Before, people could paint, write or discover something and be considered great for it, as science and art weren't mass-produced, scientists could dedicate themselves to several areas (they knew a little bit about everything) and objects of art were truly magnificent works which took weeks or years to be completed; now, nobody is great, nobody is a genius: "art" is completed within days and mass-produced, and no single scientist (with a few exceptions, maybe) can lay the foundations of the universe (we work in teams of scientists because each of us knows everything about a little bit).

We all end up screaming a little louder
To cover up another piece of silence

We're all little screams to cover the silence, little faces and voices to cover up the void and make it look like there is something to modern life.

Scream a little louder
Punch another hole through media
Turn it off

Scream for freedom, fight against the mind-controlling media ("punch another hole through media"), turn media off. This is a call for freeing ourselves from the slavery and mechanized existence we have put ourselves into.

One thought bringing it down
Original sinners
One thought bringing it down
Switch it off

Brace for impact

Prepare for impact, be it because the world is coming down and all will eventually shatter or because of the hope/possibility of a collision between the forces in power and those who wish to free themselves.

Once a greater vision
Our lives now stand to fall

Once lives were something valued high, something beautiful to marvel at ("a greater vision"); now they "stand to fall" [from that elevated position of grace] and become something insignificant, empty, synthetic.

Tyranny of fear
A stranglehold on us
Stronger day by day

Such a control over humanity, a control to the point where they can decide what we think, is in effect a tyranny. The fear is transmitted to the people both by the situations those in power create and by the myths of modern media (anyone can say anything and make the whole world hear it).

It's time to turn it off
It's time to fight, to "turn the media off".

One thought bringing it down
Original sinners
One thought bringing it down
Switch it off
Switch it off