Songs to commit suicide to?

Bozzy said:
No More Will :D

if you were going to kill yourself (dont fuckin do it you tool) that would totally be the song to play.

Just slap on some headphones and jump off a highrise so you can here the whole intro. :lol:
I would say just about anything by Sentenced. Here are some of the first ones that come to mind.

Sentenced - Noose
Sentenced - Excuse Me While I Kill Myself
Sentenced - Let Go
Sentenced - Keep My Grave Open
how's this one... "like a virgin" - madonna

reason: while she's busy reminiscing about what it feels like to be a virgin... i'm sitting here thinking about killing myself because i still am one.
Suicide Music

Cradle of Filth's entire catalogue (makes you want to kill yourself)

Pantera - Suicide Note Pt. 1 :tickled:

H.I.M.'s entire catalogue, once again, :tickled:

... I never said what I chose would actually be good music...
MethodicalWasteManagement said:
Suicide Music

Cradle of Filth's entire catalogue (makes you want to kill yourself)

Pantera - Suicide Note Pt. 1 :tickled:

H.I.M.'s entire catalogue, once again, :tickled:

... I never said what I chose would actually be good music...

I would choose good music if I were to kill myself... H.I.M is a self-esteen killer...