Songs you fear you'll never hear live...


What SX songs do you love, that you don't think you'll ever hear at a gig? Even if you have heard them before, but don't think you will again, that counts.

Note: this isn't a "bitch about the setlist" thread. :)


Absence of Light
A Fool's Paradise
(two of the most underappreciated songs, IMO)
What SX songs do you love, that you don't think you'll ever hear at a gig? Even if you have heard them before, but don't think you will again, that counts.

Note: this isn't a "bitch about the setlist" thread. :)


Absence of Light
A Fool's Paradise
(two of the most underappreciated songs, IMO)

Frontiers FOR SURE.
Love that song.

Absence of Light and A fools paradise are good also.

But without a doubt the 2 i fear i will never hear live is Accolade II and Rediscovery Part II.
These 2 songs are (imo) in there top 5 songs ever, and deserve to be played live.

Oh just for fun....Rod Tyler singing any song from the first album with the band. Hey, I'd be all for him getting up on stage and trading off with Russell on Masquerade if it were a possibility. I want to hear him live, not on memorex. And if Thomas Miller want to get up there too, fine by me.
Frontiers is probably the song I would want to hear most but I know they'd never play. Others include The Relic, Rediscovery, Orion, Seven, Divine Wings of Tragedy (in full), and Candlelight Fastasia (in full).

I'm certainly not complaining about their current set, though. If they play Looking Glass in Mokena I'll be one awesome song closer to my dream.
All of them.:cry:

This is relevant to me as well....

The closest they have ever come to where I live is Atlanta, which is about a 5 hour drive for me. I just have never been able to make it up there the 2 or 3 times I have known them to play there. First was at progpower a few years ago, and they even ended up with the headlining spot due to Nightwish wanting to switch with them. Next was during last years U.S. run for PL, I was so close to going but in the end didn't. I hope that I can end up making it up there this time (May 1st).
King of Terrors, I want to hear that live so much. But it won't happen :/
I'm mostly afraid I wont see them again without going to some venue I prolly wont like. Wish they could play the bigger places.