Songwriting Competition Submission Thread


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
Please post your conversation in the other thread.

You're allowed to submit up to three clips.

The deadline is midnight, July 27th. This gives everyone this week and the weekend to write, record, etc. for the competition.

Here's how I'll judge everything:

-Originality+Creativity ( is this the same crap I've heard before? )
-Cohesion ( does it make sense as a song? )
-Time ( does this go on forever, or is it too short? )
-Complexity ( is this something more than strumming power chords? )
-Quality ( do I like this piece? )

You'll either get 0 points ( totally lacking ), 1 point ( average grade ), or 2 points ( exceptional ), for a minimum of 0 points ( shitty song ) and 10 points ( masterpiece! )

You are allowed to submit music of any kind. MIDI works, Guitar Pro works, a recording works. I will not judge based on recording quality, but if two songs are tied then I will use recording quality to break the tie.

Let the games begin!
Please post your conversation in the other thread.

You're allowed to submit up to three clips.

The deadline is midnight, July 27th. This gives everyone this week and the weekend to write, record, etc. for the competition.

Here's how I'll judge everything:

-Originality+Creativity ( is this the same crap I've heard before? )
-Cohesion ( does it make sense as a song? )
-Time ( does this go on forever, or is it too short? )
-Complexity ( is this something more than strumming power chords? )
-Quality ( do I like this piece? )

You'll either get 0 points ( totally lacking ), 1 point ( average grade ), or 2 points ( exceptional ), for a minimum of 0 points ( shitty song ) and 10 points ( masterpiece! )

You are allowed to submit music of any kind. MIDI works, Guitar Pro works, a recording works. I will not judge based on recording quality, but if two songs are tied then I will use recording quality to break the tie.

Let the games begin!
That is not fair in any way.
^agreed unless ofcourse, it's worse recording quality than mayhem's old shit. i think if it comes down to 2 songs, it's should be about originality and uniqueness
why are you the judge?wtf

If you want to be another judge, feel free. If you don't like that I'm a judge, don't submit. This isn't "life or death", or even "do you get a cookie?".

That is not fair in any way.

How would you suggest breaking a tie, then? Originality and creativity is already a category that I am judging on, as well as complexity. As far as I can tell, recording quality is a great way to make the difference. But if you have a better idea, please let me know.
How would you suggest breaking a tie, then? Originality and creativity is already a category that I am judging on, as well as complexity. As far as I can tell, recording quality is a great way to make the difference. But if you have a better idea, please let me know.

if it gets down to 2, make originality the tie breaker
if it gets down to 2, make originality the tie breaker

That isn't fair. If two songs receive equal scores, then why does the more original song win out over the more complex/cohesive/better timed/etc. songs?

Writing a song involves more than just being original and creative. It involves creating something that is entirely pleasing to the ear. I'm not judging sound quality since a lot of people here don't have access to recording equipment, but it does factor in to how a song sounds, and therefore how good it is. In the interest of fairness, I won't take or give points for sound quality. But the person that puts more time, effort, thought, and money into making a good sounding song deserves to win, if everything else is equal.
That isn't fair. If two songs receive equal scores, then why does the more original song win out over the more complex/cohesive/better timed/etc. songs?

Writing a song involves more than just being original and creative. It involves creating something that is entirely pleasing to the ear. I'm not judging sound quality since a lot of people here don't have access to recording equipment, but it does factor in to how a song sounds, and therefore how good it is. In the interest of fairness, I won't take or give points for sound quality. But the person that puts more time, effort, thought, and money into making a good sounding song deserves to win, if everything else is equal.

look at emperor's "in the nightside eclipse". horrible production and sound quality. compare that to a decent sounding newer black metal band with great production and sound quality. which wins?

see what i'm getting at?
look at emperor's "in the nightside eclipse". horrible production and sound quality. compare that to a decent sounding newer black metal band with great production and sound quality. which wins?

see what i'm getting at?


If the two songs are TIED, then I will use production quality to break the tie.

If you could listen to Emperor with good quality, or bad quality, which would you choose?

If the two songs are TIED, then I will use production quality to break the tie.

If you could listen to Emperor with good quality, or bad quality, which would you choose?

luckily, emperor has some good recording on IX equilibrium and prometheus. however, nightside and anthems are still better albums