Spiderman 2

i quite liked it, much better than the 1st one
and i think it will be harry as green goblin
It was alright but then again I didn't see the first one so yeah...

I want to see Anchorman though.. looks good
meh, i found it pretty sucky and barely refrained from turning it off at some times. i think it was overall pretty corny (it is a comicbook movie i know, but it still bothered me), it was insultingly over-explicit in explaining the storyline and the thinking of the characters and to top it off had some truly atrocious scenes full of prudent talking and sharing of life wisdom. but on the other hand it was pretty entertaining when not trying to do anything but that and had some really good fighting scenes and effects.
but i never quite understood why doc oc had to wear his arms on his back or why he needed them at all, why not make a robot out of them since they've got so advanced AI... i know, i'm nitpicking but i could not stop thinking about it and also where they got their power from hehe ;)
It's a superhero movie, so it's gonna be cheesy and really obvious. But it was one of the best damn superhero movies I've ever seen.
something that would be really cool would be if they had that gang, what's their name... you know, doppelganger, shriek, hobgoblin, carnage and that plague guy fight some other group of heroes. but for it to work it would have to be R rated, you can't have carnage in there and have it and have it PG rated or whatever it's called, you'll need buckets of blood and gore :Spin:
but since they'll make less money from it by doing so i guess it's not going to happen
I thought spider-man 2 was fuckin' awesome. The scripting was amazing (they did have a good reference after all). The conclusion was awfully predictable, but hey, I shouldn't complain. I don't care what anybody says, I think it's a damn good movie.