[SPOILER] [WARNING] [DO NOT ENTER] watershed code

There's probably no code and the band has these threads bookmarked for a laugh when they need one.
Some people are just going crazy with this code.
Oh. I'm just curious if there's even anything to decipher. I can't be bothered to try it myself so I just wanted a quick answer to satisfy the (very) slight curiosity I have.
The thing that captured me is the link to Poe. Along with the historic images in the booklet, some good ol' tales from the past sprinkled with a dash of mystery is more than enough to put me into gear. I just wish I had a day off
Well, now you know why I haven't posted it; I don't want Mike eating my fucking eyes!
As for some of the other posters on here: c'mon, lighten up guys. I just think enjoy the enigma while you can; you all know someone else will solve it soon and post it. I just appreciate mystery too much to simply shoot one down from the sky when one comes along.
The other thing that intrigues me is that the angriest people here seem to be the ones who apparently don't give a shit.
Other than that, for the few of you that are actually getting a thrill out of this puzzle: awesome! Keep trying and I'm glad you appreciate this sort of thing in the same way I do!
The other thing that intrigues me is that the angriest people here seem to be the ones who apparently don't give a shit.
Well yes, it's not contradictory. Those who "don't give much of a shit" do not appreciate the "oooo, enigma! mystery! let's read Poe together" stuff, being only mildly interesting and ergo only see you as withholding information when it's clearly irritating most people :p
Here's an idea...

How about the people who deciphered it stop being a bunch of elitist pricks, and share it with the rest of us? Do you really think that no one will ever figure it out and then reveal it? It's the Opeth forum, not the fucking magic circle; everyone will know in a few days anyway.
I DEFINITELY do not have the brain power to figure it out, so I'll be happy when someone posts it!
Solved it, because I'm awesome.

It's obviously lyrics, just mixed up. It was substituted and reversed. I solved it using a series of programs I found online, simply because I don't go for all this mystery crap. ;)

EDIT: I will repost it in a second, once I've unscrambled the lyrics.

Proof I've done it (for Katabasis): not only is P the same as I, but U is the same as E.
I just deciphered it. Not gonna give you guys the solution, but it basically tells you about the concept of Watershed. The album tells a story about Zorro, but you should already know that ("And I can see you, running to the fields of Zorro" in Coil / "Fleeing, you Zorro" in The Lotus Eater). He should be the heir of California, but dark forces won't give him the land that easily. Hex Omega also rhymes with Don Diego de la Vega, it isn't a coincidence. He is than hunted down by mercenaries (the Hessians) hired by the government.

It seemed quite absurd at first, but after listening to the album again, it makes perfect sense!
Oh, and it seems the Limited Edition code appears to be only half of the code - I think it's the lyrics for half the songs - I will know in a second, once I've unscrambled it and posted the correct lyrics for you all ;)
Oh, and it seems the Limited Edition code appears to be only half of the code - I think it's the lyrics for half the songs - I will know in a second, once I've unscrambled it and posted the correct lyrics for you all ;)

Yeh there's another code in the regular edition - same symbols but a different message - although everyone seems to be ignoring that one. I don't even have my special edition yet, just the regular.
I just deciphered it. Not gonna give you guys the solution, but it basically tells you about the concept of Watershed. The album tells a story about Zorro, but you should already know that ("And I can see you, running to the fields of Zorro" in Coil / "Fleeing, you Zorro" in The Lotus Eater). He should be the heir of California, but dark forces won't give him the land that easily. Hex Omega also rhymes with Don Diego de la Vega, it isn't a coincidence. He is than hunted down by mercenaries (the Hessians) hired by the government.

It seemed quite absurd at first, but after listening to the album again, it makes perfect sense!

Yeh there's another code in the regular edition - same symbols but a different message - although everyone seems to be ignoring that one. I don't even have my special edition yet, just the regular.

Yep. It's definitely half the lyrics - in the SE code, it has bits and pieces of each song's lyrics. But nothing complete, yet.

I was able to solve the SE one due to a guy who typed out all the symbols as ABCD etc; if someone does that for the regular one too, I can solve that part right now.