Spreading the word


Tyrant in Distress
I have a nice Nevermore conversion story to tell. A while back I convinced a friend of mine to let me play DNB for him while we were travelling home from a trip to Logan (a 2 hour drive). He really liked the title track and borrowed the CD from me later on. The other day (it's been at least 6 months since he borrowed it) he told me he was probably gonna buy DNB. He's normally not a heavy metal fan; in fact, apart from some old Iron Maiden, the closest to metal he likes is Boston, Journey, and Rush. So, one more person converted to the gospel of Nevermore :lol:
Ive converted about 5 ppl not counting my sister and my two brothers. My mother realy digs the shit of the band too, she has none of the cd's, but when she comes over to my house, I get no complaints.
Wow, I have turned lots of people into Nevermore fans too. Lets see, let me count 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10. Thats all I can think of for now. Let's see, I have also got people into Children of Bodom, In Flames, Soilwork, Quo Vadis, Opeth.
Yup, i'm doing converting. And you know why my friends go with the real metal, not because they are gullible bastards, but because REAL metal is the good music. Not to say they didn't like good music that required talent before(most of them like bands ranging from Iced Earth, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Tool, The Tragically Hip, NIN and so on). So they weren't into shit, but they like the metal I showed them and lots of the people in that list now have Nevermore as well as some of the other bands as all-time favourites. Pretty sweet me thinks.

By the way, any of you here know of/like The Tragically Hip?
I'm not afraid to admit I like them. They are friggin' great.
Yeah, Ive done some converting in my time. :)

I saw the Tragically Hip at Woodstock.. didnt like em. And no, I didnt go there, I saw it on PPV.