Starting a ridiculous thrash/hardcore band where every song is about lifting weights


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Put together our first demo yesterday about dehydrating yourself to make weight for a competition, haha... The whole thing is obviously a joke, just thought some people here might get a kick out of it :kickass:

EDIT: New version: - Make Weight or Die_oct24.mp3

Make Weight or Die

Sitting in a bath of 103
Avoiding burns of the second degree
This is ten times harder than you thought it would be
But you’re lifting tomorrow and you’ve still got to make weight

Ice cubes in your mouth are a fucking tease
Feels like you've been infected by a disease
Don't even have the energy to wrap up your knees
But you’re lifting tomorrow and you still got to make weight

Make weight or die!
The only way to lift at 275
Don't eat that pie
Go and turn up the heat
Cuz you weigh 300 and you still gotta lose 25

Hours away the sweating gets intense
Should you compete at super heavy? You're still on the fence
Your immune system’s losing all of its defense
But you can't give up now, cuz you’ve still got to make weight

Sitting in the car with the heat on full blast
Crying on the shitter while you empty out your ass
This uncomfortable feeling is never gonna pass
get rid of the excess cuz you still got to make weight

Make weight or die!
The only way to lift at 275
Don't fucking cry
Put on that garbage bag
Cuz you’re still 280 and you have to lose another 5

Waking up after two hours sleep
Your body needs some fluids but the penalty's steep

The walls are spinning as you reach for your keys
You know you shouldn't drive, but you need to compete

Your senses numb and you can't see a thing
Co-ordinations gone, you're hallucinating

You park your car and collapse out the door
Crawling to the scale cause it's time to make weight

Finally you step on the official scale
Buck naked wondering if you'll prevail
The judges say that you’re unhealthily pale
But the reading is clear and you made that fucking weight!

Make weight or die!
You finally made it down to 275
Go eat that pie!
Eat everything in sight
Cuz your total will suck if don't gain that fucking weight
This is the fucking coolest thing in the world. I want to be in this band. Is that you on vocals?? Fucking rules.

*Edit* just got to the slow-down portion of it. This is my new favorite band ever.
"Deadlift" gotta be the best bandname in the world :lol:

I'm only liking very few hardcore stuff, and this is awesome. Both the concept and the music.
Make an album and sell it at your gym for the guys to get pumped before the pumping haha
Needed to weigh in on this...


My name is Owen, I lift heavy, eat ridiculously and I approve of this song.
Fucking lol
Sounds like Terror... this is the first time on this site that music labelled hardcore, has actually been hardcore.

I disagree, there are some guys doing it right in the rate my mix area.

Do a song about cramps after squatting :cry:
Haha, thanks for the positive feedback guys, looking forward to writing more of this stuff. Comes together so easy because I don't take it seriously at all, literally can write and record a whole song in 3 hours, haha...

This is the fucking coolest thing in the world. I want to be in this band. Is that you on vocals?? Fucking rules.

*Edit* just got to the slow-down portion of it. This is my new favorite band ever.

Hahaha, pumped you like it man. Yeah that's me on vocals! :kickass: That middle riff owns.
This is hands down the best song that has or ever will get posted on this forum. I think it is safe to close this bitch down and tell every band and engineer in the world to quit.

I am going to the gym right now and will be sharing this with friends in hopes of massive gains due to ear-produced testosterone. Thank you.
This is hands down the best song that has or ever will get posted on this forum. I think it is safe to close this bitch down and tell every band and engineer in the world to quit.

I am going to the gym right now and will be sharing this with friends in hopes of massive gains due to ear-produced testosterone. Thank you.

Hahaha, thanks man, and thanks for guest listing me at Warped in Toronto, I doubt you remember I'm the same guy haha...

I'm gonna put up a slightly different version in a few minutes, then I have to start working on the other tunes...

Band is going to be called Deadlift, and the EP is going to be called Neckless and Reckless (a tribute to traps! haha...)

Looking to be 4 or 5 songs, with the idea right now to be the chronological lead up to a powerlifting meet...

Track 1 will be about training for the meet
Track 2 will be about eating insane amount of food to facilitate training for the meet
Track 3 will be Make Weight or Die, about making weight for the meet
Track 4 will be "PR or ER", about actually lifting at the meet, haha...

Fuck this project is so much fun.
I remember, I think you need Tony Sannicandro in this band as well. If you need any guest bass licks, I'd love to be a part of it. Although I weighed 158 two days ago and 164 today, so I'm not cutting very well.
Yeah, haha. I literally bought my first box yesterday and now I'm 6 pounds heavier. I think it's a fluke though. I must need to dump.