stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Woah, my former neighbour (who now lives right across the street) is the biggest asshole on earth.
5 Minutes ago an ambulance was on its way to the nursing home at the end of this street. Said neighbour likes to park his car on the other side of the street than everyone does, meaning not a single car can come through. Obviously my mom went over to his house to get him to move his car, but he got angry because she woke him up. Not caring someone in the nursing home might actually need medical care right now.
If only this would be the first time this happened, it wouldn't be that much of a problem, but it's the third time since he moved to the other side of the street (which is only half a year ago), previous times the fire arms couldn't get through.
If he ever ends up in that nursing home, I'll buy a car just so I can park it on the wrong side of the road, so if he needs an ambulance, it won't ever come, lulz.
I prefer the idea of putting some meat on the gas to burn, then get drunk, leave, and take a nap in the car which I just have placed in front of the entrance of the nursing home.:p
(When he still lived next to us he was drunk all the time, which made him fall asleep while he was cooking, leaving a horrible smell in our house :mad:)
Time to watch a shitty movie: Wrong turn 2. Yaaaay!
I'm already hammered..been playing drinking games with my brothers :lol: I'll definitely puke if I take another shot