stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

I'll post it for him...

It may seem like it is about a cigarette but it's ACTUALLY about a blowjob. :zombie:

Spit white speech
the voice is mine
the skin of the slit
cut cigarette size

The butt size head
voluptuous white
cum cigarette slit
the spitting line

The cigarette skin
white head in line
the voice is white
erasing mine

Skin the white
the radical line
the cigarette butt
head radical skin


I wrote that song after attempting to film one of Norway's infamous "frozen cumshots" with a nun I abducted.
SODOMIZER in dah house!
My cats are just entirely too spoiled, they even have a water dish that filters the water and adds oxygen to it, to make it cold. All I get in return is cat hair :lol:
Yeah, my cats are way to dependent on us for affection.
Dammit, I bought cats because they are so independent and if I don't have the fuzzy one on my lap 90% of the day he's off losing his mind somewhere.

This is why it takes me so long to get shit done. :p