stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

ye BSOG if you were referring to ecstasy in clubs and shit i totally agree. But some weed with a few friends is great fun
read the description ov the video to understand


I'm just gonna copy/paste my dream post from another thread.

I once had this odd dream where i was at my grandmothers place in finland, and i was standing on a field. The sky suddenly turned red and a i saw a massive mushroomcloud rising from behind the trees. Then all sorts of zoo-animals ran out from the forest and ran around me. They were obviously scared of something. Suddenly all the animals were decapitated and there was blood and gore all over. I looked over to the forest and i saw some wooden inca-creatures throwing shovel sized arrows at us. I panicked and ran into my grandmothers house and there i was able to morp myself into a chair and a box!

Another strange dream I had was when I was at an airport. I got there to fetch a delivery. (I ordered a dinosaur!). The guys at the airport told me to i had to drive a a plane 3 kilometres to fetch my package. wtf. So I jumped into the plane and took off. I had a really hard time navigating since i kept switching from being inside the plane and at times i was down on the ground looking at the very same plane, but i was navigating it with a remote control.
Then i got to the place where i had to pick my dinosaur. There was a pickup truck that was loaded with green boxes. Some guy gave me one and i opened it. It was the strangest dinosaur i've ever seen, all fuzzy and white. Then i flied back to the airport, but this time i almost crashed cause the plane turned into a miniature model.
Then i remembered i forgot the receipt. And the dinosaur had turned into a dog.

Those are both epic!

Nerd moment: Some scientist now believe some dinosaurs had feathers, so you may not have been that far off, also may have had many different colored skins. Kind of like humans today.

I haven't been dreaming as much lately. Just seeing faces of certain people and waking up...
The water pours its embracing arms around the stone
Decay drips from the unquiet void where the ice forms, where life ends
The stone is by the crimson flood, swallowed
The red tide beyond the ebon wound, contorted
My sacrifice bids farewell in this river of memory... a wave to end all time
Red birds escape from my wounds and return as falling snow
To sweep the landscape; a wind haunted, wings without bodies
The snow, the bitter snowfall
You wish to die in her pale arms, crystalline, to become an ode to silence
In the soul of a mountain of birds, fallen
The cascading pallor of ghostless feather
The snow has fallen and raised this white mountain on which you will die and fade away in silence
I hate it when I leave and come back and there are 2 full pages to go through :lol:

Mushrooms are illegal here since like 2 months or so. HO NOEEES.

I want to go to bed, but my neck hurts so fucking much it's as if there's gas from an operation in my shoulder. Really. fucking. annoying. Didn't sleep for 3 days when I had that. Yay.

Massage your neck and stretch the muscles gently and very slowly, that should help.

I'm just gonna copy/paste my dream post from another thread.

I once had this odd dream where i was at my grandmothers place in finland, and i was standing on a field. The sky suddenly turned red and a i saw a massive mushroomcloud rising from behind the trees. Then all sorts of zoo-animals ran out from the forest and ran around me. They were obviously scared of something. Suddenly all the animals were decapitated and there was blood and gore all over. I looked over to the forest and i saw some wooden inca-creatures throwing shovel sized arrows at us. I panicked and ran into my grandmothers house and there i was able to morp myself into a chair and a box!

Another strange dream I had was when I was at an airport. I got there to fetch a delivery. (I ordered a dinosaur!). The guys at the airport told me to i had to drive a a plane 3 kilometres to fetch my package. wtf. So I jumped into the plane and took off. I had a really hard time navigating since i kept switching from being inside the plane and at times i was down on the ground looking at the very same plane, but i was navigating it with a remote control.
Then i got to the place where i had to pick my dinosaur. There was a pickup truck that was loaded with green boxes. Some guy gave me one and i opened it. It was the strangest dinosaur i've ever seen, all fuzzy and white. Then i flied back to the airport, but this time i almost crashed cause the plane turned into a miniature model.
Then i remembered i forgot the receipt. And the dinosaur had turned into a dog.


:lol: those are great. The first one reminded me of a dream I had ages ago...I was in this huge field, tall grass and lots of flowers. I wasled through the field for a bit and got to this town/village and all of a sudden I was walking through the market with my mom and this old lady hit us both on the back of the head with a stick. I was lying on the floor and looked up at the woman and the stick and saw that she had dead puppies tied to the stick :erk: One of the strangest dreams I've ever had.